Dating (3,000 words)

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"Morning, Steve." I slid into my seat, giving my friend a little wave. I had wondered long and hard how things were going to be between them now. Would things be more awkward because we had just gone out or less? I hoped he didn't feel more awkward..

"Good morning," Steve replied, the same way he always did. I relaxed a little, nothing had changed between us. Nothing much, anyway.

After class, I caught Steve before he went to his locker, and we started walking together. "So, now we've got a test to start studying for," I sighed as we headed towards our lockers.

"Yeah, great," he didn't sound too thrilled about it either.

"I know the test is still a week away," I said hesitantly. "But do you want to maybe come over after school and study together? I think my family would really like to meet you."

He grinned. "I would like to meet your big family. Sounds good to me."

"Great! But be warned, my dad is a joker and once I bring home a guy... we'll never hear the end of it."

"I think I can handle that. I've been wanting to spend more time with you all weekend anyway, texting just doesn't cover it."

"I know, right? I was thinking we should spend more time together too," I realized what I said and looked bashfully at the floor.

We stopped by his locker first. "Speaking of which," he said. "I was kinda wondering... what do you think that was? Like, I don't know... a date?" He glanced shyly at me.

I was speechless for a moment. Does he actually want to consider that a date?! Was it? Is that what I want? "I... um..." I gave a small laugh, unsure of what to say. "I don't know, what do you think it was?"

"Uh... it... it kinda felt like a date. But if you don't think it was, we can leave it at that."

"No, no!" I said that faster than I had been intending to. I sound desperate. I'm not desperate. Am I? "I mean, um... sure. If you think it was a date, I guess I wouldn't mind calling it that. I mean, you gotta call it as it is, right?"

"Yeah," he said with a smile. "It was a date then."

I giggled. "Yeah."

We smiled at each other for a moment before Steve remembered to grab his books out of his locker. "Uh, you should probably get your books," he said with a hint of embarrassment, checking his locker to make sure it was locked.

I chuckled, almost surprised I had practically forgotten my stuff. "Right." We walked to my locker in silence, not really sure what to say to each other now. What is there to say to someone you just admitted to going on an accidental date with?

"So, uh," Steve began, licking his lips as I pulled some things out of my locker. "Since we went on a date... I guess I should probably tell you... Uh," he gave that cute, embarrassed laugh again. "I... I like you, Alina. We've only gone out once, but I would really like to date you exclusively."

My heart gave a jump as I grinned. "I would like that, Steve. I like you too, and I would really like to get to know you even better."

"Me too," he said, apparently unable to look away from my brown eyes. The warning bell rang, and we both jumped as students began running to their classes.

"I, uh, better get to class," I told him with a hint of elation still in my voice. "I'll see you at lunch?"

"See you then," Steve replied without breaking his smile.

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