Bonus Chapter 19

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"Where are we going?" I giggled, allowing Loki to lead me through the dark woods. "You know I don't like the dark that much."

"We are going somewhere special," Loki said, grinning backwards at me. "To celebrate a special day."

"What special day?" I asked, letting out a small shriek when he suddenly picked me up bridal style. I wrapped my arms around his neck, holding on tightly as he stepped over tree roots and rocks.

He pecked me on the nose. "I'll tell you in a minute. Close your eyes." I giggled again, doing as he said. In my experience, if Loki had a surprise, it was bound to be a good one. I still remembered the fantastic first Valentine's Day we had together four years ago.

High school felt so long ago now. He was in college, graduating soon with honors. I was still living at home, getting ready to try my hand at publishing a book. He was helping his father with the family business. When Thor would be promoted to CEO and Odin retired, Loki would be Thor's righthand man, and he wanted to be ready. I was also a part of my own family's business. I managed my dad's rental houses and apartment complexes, which kept me busy and, on my toes, but I enjoyed it. We were happy with our lives, though we weren't married yet. We hadn't even truly kissed each other besides a peck on the cheek or lips. Even our kiss in high school hadn't been very deep. I was saving a true, deep kiss for my engagement or wedding and although Loki was certainly ready for one, he respected it.

I could hear Loki trampling through the woods, the sounds of crickets and cicadas ringing loudly. A few minutes later, he slid me to the ground, instructing me to keep my eyes shut. My eyes accidentally opened just a tiny bit, but all I caught was a glimpse of the ground.

Loki adjusted my head, so I was looking at what he wanted, then stood in front of me. "All right, darling. Look."

I opened my eyes and gasped quietly at the scene before me. Loki was in the foreground of a beautiful pond in the midst of the woods. There were a thousand fireflies out, softening the night shadows. The moon was half-full, casting a silvery reflection on the pond. The place was practically magical—I didn't know why we had never been there before.

"Oh, Loki," I breathed, looking at him instead of the breathtaking surroundings. His face looked as handsome as ever in the moonlight and firefly glow, a part of me prayed I looked just as appealing to him as he did to me.

He smiled, enhancing his features. "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"Very," I replied with a soft, contented sigh.

He looked into my eyes for a long moment, a small smile still on his face. He reached into his pocket, then knelt in front of me, holding out a small box. My eyes widened as I looked down at him, a sharp breath entering through my mouth.

"Alina Kein, I love you. I've loved you for years now. You are everything to me, I can't go on without you. I've made so many speeches to you throughout our years together, proclaiming my love over and over again, but this time, I will simply ask. Alina... will you marry me?"

I swallowed hard, beginning to slightly nod. Finally, a smile broke over my face and I nodded for all I was worth. "Yes, yes!" I nearly cried as he slipped the diamond ring onto my finger, my heart pulsing with everything I felt for him. "I love you," I said as he stood, looking tenderly into his face.

He took my face into his hands, slipping his fingers into my hair. He pulled me close, and I finally allowed him the satisfaction of a true kiss. It was more wonderful than I could ever have imagined.

Loki was the joy of my life. I wasn't nearly the romantic he was, and I would never be able to express through words how much he meant to me, but in my heart I knew he was my happy ending. I would forever be grateful to the year of school that had brought me to the love of my life. To my Loki. 

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