Chapter 1

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"If I ever catch that filthy rogue, she's going to pay." a wolf says a few yards away. I hold my breath and pray for protection. Not the first time I've heard those words, but each time it sends a shiver down my spine. My life is always hanging by a thread, one wrong move could get me killed or worse.

After twenty years of being a rogue, I should be used to toying with death, but I'm not.

There's no time to dwell on their words. I take a deep, shaky breath and close my eyes. There are three wolf souls I have to deliver. The wolf's souls come to the surface of my mind and I form each soul into one ball of light, separating them from the rest. I send each one individually, finding the human host and their soul, guiding the ball of light to its new host, I force the wolf's soul to mate with the human one. Once the host accepts the invading soul the two separate balls become one brighter light, and I do the same with the rest

A twig snaps underneath the tree I'm in. I sprint through the trees until I'm outside the pack territory. I descend to the ground and shift into my wolf Lily. I run far enough away until I'm satisfied that we're safe. I shift back into my human form. 

Finding a tall oak tree, I pull myself up to safety and take a rope and blanket out of my backpack. I tie the blanket and myself to the branch so I don't fall out of the tree and my blanket wouldn't blow away while sleeping.

Staring up at the moon I wait for sleep to come. When it finally decides to take me, I wish it never had.



"Mom!" With my heightened eyesight, I could see blood pouring out of her chest where a silver knife stuck out like a sore thumb. I reach her side in a second and lean over her. My hair covers my eyes and she reaches up to brush it behind my ear.

"Run Solena, run." She says with labored breathing. If only I had delivered the souls faster, none of this would have happened. Tears mixed with rain soaked my shirt. 

"NO! Mom, Mom, why aren't you saying anything? Mom! Mom!" Her hand falls away from my face, I look up and I see my dad with a bullet heading straight toward his chest. I'm too late. By the time I get to his side, he's falling to the ground.

"No, no, no, no. Get up, Dad! We have to help Mom! Get up! We have to get out of here, they're going to kill us, we have to go." I was on the ground and my father's head in my lap. My hair is plastered to my face as the rain pours from the sky. 

"I love you, Solena now go!" I stand up, wiping the tears from my eyes. I start collecting my father's body when a hand wraps around my forearm. The hand squeezes hard and no matter how much I pull away, the grip never loosens. 

"Let me go!" I scream, still clutching my father's body. His body grows heavier by the second, as each drop of water falls onto his body. 

"Let's go rogue" He jerks my arm, causing me to stumble. Soon I'm surrounded and the man jerks my arm, making me follow him.

My arms grow tired and my father's body drops to the ground. I scratch and kick the man, his grip only tightens. My training kicks in. I break out of his grasp and twist his arm behind his back. I break his arm, and he falls to the ground. Two other werewolves lunge for me and I slip out of their reach.

I run back to the edge of the territory.

***End of flashback***

I'm startled awake by the sound of the leaves rustling. I rub my eyes and catch my breath. Looking around, I find a squirrel looking for food in another tree. Looks like a squirrel for dinner today. I take out my bow and arrow and shoot the squirrel down. 

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