Flashback Bloodstone pack (Tyler's POV)

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***Tyler's POV***


My niece finally went to sleep. Her breathing is even and she's calmed down a bit.

When I hadn't heard from Rebecca and Ace about the last shipment I went to the territory where they were supposed to deliver the weapons. They were my best distributors and never got caught. Through my informants, I tracked their scent and smelled blood in the air. I found Rebecca's body cold and vowed to take revenge on her killer. I couldn't find Ace, his scent was faint and wherever he was, he was long gone. 

I was only able to find this little girl, the spitting image of Rebecca. Ace was like a brother to me and loved his mate more than anyone else in the world. He disappeared without a trace shortly after meeting Rebecca trying to keep her safe from the numerous enemies he had acquired while working for me. He recently reached out to me, desperate for money, which was highly unusual as he was usually a resourceful man. All questions I had ceased when I first laid eyes on his little girl. Something about her made me want to protect her using any means necessary. Seeing her in that cell, nothing but skin and bones, chained to the wall like an animal, enraged me. I'd make the Bloodstone pack pay for what they did to her. 

The entire time, she trembled in fear even as she slept. I estimate she's about 10, with her short stature.

"We lost our tail Boss." The driver says and I nod.

"Take us back to base. Tell the others to meet us there as soon as possible. We still need to find Ace." I stare at the little girl in my arms. I don't know anything about taking care of kids, and I'm pretty sure Rebecca wouldn't want her to learn the family business, but it's the only thing I know. I'll teach her all I can to help her become better. 

"Who is she boss?" Eddie asks as I bring the girl into the board room. I head to the chair in front of the long table and sit her in my lap. She settles down against me.

"Ace's, and Rebecca's kid. I made these so that even a werewolf can't hear anything," I say tapping the headphones. The girl swats my hand away when I tap them and I put my hand away showing her I don't mean to take them away. I dare anyone to question my technological design and they all remain quiet.

"Alpha Avery's pack is going to come after us, we killed their alpha, and took some very valuable possessions," one of the members says, and I laugh.

"If they can find this place. Only the people in this room know where this place is." Everyone looks away as I glare at each one of them, warning them not to tell anyone about this place.

"How can we guarantee she'll keep her mouth shut?" The girl, pushes herself further into me, as Tom points to her.

"She was a prisoner there, I doubt she wants to go back," I say lazily, wrapping my arm around her, daring anyone else to question her presence. 

"Any more orders?" I ask, taking the attention away from my niece. 

"Custom-made automatic rifle, I got the specs right here." He hands me a piece of paper and I examine it. Drawing a few modifications, I incorporate my newer designs. (Instead of "in order to" instead "I"

"Start negotiations at 7 million if, they aren't willing to pay at least 5 million, the deal's off. Anyone else?" No one else got any sales. I growl. Business has been slow lately, what was I paying these idiots for? The girl tenses in my lap and I relax a little bit. 

"Meetings over." I gently push the girl off my lap and stand up. Everyone waits for me to leave and I slowly start to relax, as we walk through several corridors of the complex to get outside and to the car. I buckle her into the front seat of the car while moving to the other side. 

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