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Kiernan hasn't come back for three more days and It's confusing why that bothers me so much. Lily wags her tail in my head at the mention of his name, but I always tell her not to get her hopes up. I always thought I couldn't have a mate, and now that I have one, I still don't understand whether or not that's a good thing. I've heard many stories about mates and how some reject their mates without even getting to know them, others cherish their mates to the ends of the Earth, yet others abuse their mates, seeing them only as a way to please themselves. Would Kiernan reject me because I'm Lily Midnight? Would he accept me, and if so would he love me, or would he torture me on account of all the things I've done? Even if he did accept me, he could get hurt.

Right after I finished my dinner, Kiernan came in and I stood up abruptly, unsure of why he was visiting. His hair was disheveled as though he hadn't gotten a lot of sleep.

"Under the law, you're going to have a trial. You will be aware of every charge against you and who made them. You can claim innocence or guilt in any case, any cases where you claim guilt, your sentence could be lessened, all crimes of Innocence if your words are found trustworthy the charges against you will be dropped immediately. I will decide the penalty for each crime after the evidence is reviewed and submitted. Someone will ask questions about each crime you plead guilty for, you don't have to answer any of these questions if you don't want to. Do you understand?" He says in a breathy speech. Cocking my head to the side I contemplate his words and start to nod my head that I think I know what he's saying. He sighs and runs a hand through his hair.

"Why, why did you do any of it?" He asks, suddenly.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"The murders, the kidnappings, the stealing, why did you do it?" He clarifies, and I look down at the ground.

"I did what I needed to do to stay alive." He growls.

"Why didn't you ask anyone for help? You survived 17 years without killing anyone, without harming anyone, what changed huh!?" He shouts and I flinch back.

"My uncle died when I was 17, I didn't- I couldn't- I wasn't fast enough to protect him. I killed the men who killed my uncle and thought if I stayed away from people, they would leave me alone. But they kept coming... threatening to kill me, hurt me, make me do things I didn't want to do, and I couldn't... ask anyone to help because ... then they would've become a target too." I shudder, closing my eyes trying to shut out the images of people who've died because of me, and all those who would've died if they had known me.

"What do you mean they would've become a target?" He takes a step forward and I take a hesitant step back, pressing against the wall for support. He growls and I stiffen.

"Anyone who knows me immediately gets hurt. I've watched too many die, to dare ask anyone for their help." My mother, my father, my uncle, the rogues I went to school with, the first friends I made shortly after leaving my Uncle's mountain, all of them were hurt because of their connection to me.

"Why didn't you try and find your mate?" His voice goes higher, and I see pain in his eyes that I don't understand.

"I– I didn't think I had a mate. Everyone told me rogues don't have mates." My parents were mates but they met in a pack, and their packs wouldn't let them be together so they went rogue. He purses his lips and growls as he abruptly leaves the room.

I slide down the wall and pull my knees to my chest, resting my head on my knees. He seems to hate me even more now than when he first found out I was Lily Midnight. Should I just reject him? It'd make this easier on both of us.

Grace comes in an hour later with a box full of papers. I tried reading, but the letters jumbled together and the words didn't form. Frustrated, I crumpled the paper.

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