Becoming Lily Midnight

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My uncle starts laughing.

"Kill my niece? If you kill her, I'll have no reason not to hunt every one of you down and kill you. You know you can't kill me, right? The moment I die, millions of people will die." I suck in my breath and look at him with fear—the group of people around us back off. I grab the hilt of my sword and use the opportunity to attack, swinging the sword full circle, knocking the gun out of his hand, and turning right to pick it up, pointing it at the person who threatened me. He screams out in pain as his hand hangs at a weird angle. I hold my sword out in front of me.

"Solena, look at me." I turn my head towards Uncle Tyler and stare into his eyes. My breath is ragged and hair has fallen into my face. He slowly puts down my arm with the sword in it and takes it from me.

"I got this, don't worry, okay?" I nod slowly and push my hair out of my face. Lily is on edge and I'm sure my eyes are black.

"Don't you ever threaten my niece again! I will not hesitate to retaliate. Tell your alpha, that if he or any of his pack messes with me or her, I will see to it that every offender is punished." He growls out towards the crowd who steps back. I hear someone helping the man whose hand I broke from behind me. My knees feel weak and just as my knees buckle my uncle catches me and helps me and the pack members watch us leave.

"Solena, are you alright?" I shake my head, unable to speak. My uncle casually talked about killing millions of people as though it were nothing. I don't know who scares me more, the guy who threatened to kill me or my uncle who threatened to kill millions of people. Gulping, I find my voice.

"What did you mean, when you said that if you die, millions of people would die?" I fiddle with my fingers, avoiding looking him in the eyes.

"Oh, that? It's a rumor that if I die all my weapons will implode and kill whoever is holding them. But that's completely fabricated. I imploded his weapon when he tried to kill me, and that turned into a rumor that I don't correct people on." He smiles again and I calm down a little bit still feeling on edge. Seeing my Uncle getting threatened brought back images of my mother. I stare out the window watching the sunset, distracting myself from the man sitting beside me.

"We're here Solena," I turn my head to look out the front windshield and get out of the car. I shift into my wolf and climb up the path towards the cabin. Once in the cabin I make myself comfortable on the floor and pretend to sleep.

"Solena, I'm sorry. This is all my fault. I should've made sure it was safe. From now on we don't have to leave the mountain, I'll keep you safe, I promise." Shifting back to my human form I stare at Uncle Tyler and watch his face.

"Who will protect you?" I ask. I already knew that this man would do anything to protect me. But what would stop him from getting hurt?

"Don't worry about me. I've had many enemies over the years and none of them have been able to successfully take me down, although there have been numerous attempts. I'll be fine. Come here." He opens his arms wide and I run into them, allowing myself to rest in his embrace.

"Get some sleep, huh." I stretch and nod, shifting back into Lily and curling up for bed.

For the next two years, we built up a routine. In the morning, I got up and went through the exercises my father taught me. My uncle would call me in to eat breakfast and teach me more fighting techniques, about how to use your different senses in a fight. A human teacher who also struggled with dyslexia, came every day to help me learn how to read better. It got easier but was still troublesome. After she left, we'd eat lunch, and then we would go hunting, practicing using different weapons, and combat skills. After practice, my Uncle would go into his office while I napped. We'd eat whatever we hunted earlier in the day. Afterward, we would go up the mountain and watch the sunset as my Uncle told me wonderful stories of his adventures.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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