Part 2

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At the city edge, Evelyn shifts back into her human form, her fur unfolding around her and transforming into her clothes. I walk as fast as I can without drawing attention to myself, and Evelyn jogs to keep up. 

"How'd you do that?" Evelyn asks as we venture into the city.

"Do what?" What did I do this time?

"You made me shift." I shake my head.

"I told you to shift, and your wolf was ready to come forward." She stops pushing the issue, and we continue in silence.

We walk into the city with our heads low. People avoid us, creating a clear path straight to the city center. 

I pick up every penny, nickel, dime, and quarter I see on the ground. I find a fountain and pick out all the quarters. 

"Isn't that illegal?" Evelyn looks around nervously. I shrug my shoulders and keep picking them up. There is no other way for me to make money, I can't stay in one place, and no one has murderer-for-hire signs anywhere.

I stop at the bus station and turn around on Evelyn, who has been following me through the city.

"This is where I leave you." I give her the change I collected and walk inside to find a bus for me.

"Wait!" She runs to catch up to me.

"Can I stay with you? The rogues might come back, and I don't know where to go from here, I'm scared," She pleads with me. 

"You want to travel with me?" I'm curious, Why does she think this is a good idea? 

"So far you've done nothing but look out for me and help me. You make me feel safe. Please, help me get to another state, at least far away from the rouge, I promise I won't tell anyone about you, and I'll help out with whatever you need!" The voices in my head start making me feel guilty.

'If you had given her, her wolf sooner, you wouldn't be in this situation.'

'All you rogues are the same, only looking out for yourself.'

'Enough!' I growl, and the voices stop.

"Fine, let's go, but, you must listen to everything I say." She nods her head and matches my stride. After a few more blocks, I see a bus stop. I look down at the coins in my hand and hope I've collected enough for the fare. The moon gets higher in the sky and after a while, I realize the bus must not be coming. 

"Let's go," we start jogging toward the other end of the city. Hopefully, Evelyn has had enough rest to get there. She looks around suspiciously and jumps at every loud noise. No need to attract attention to ourselves, we're just two girls out for a jog at night time. Yeah right, who am I kidding?

Once she settles down, she talks endlessly as we jog, talking about her previous life, scattered with her current worries, will she get a mate? How can she survive as a rouge? Will her new mate accept her since she's a rouge? I tune her out and focus on getting to the following territory. Once we get into the forest I pick up my speed to werewolf speed. Evelyn has a hard time keeping up and I slow down slightly.

We get 5 miles away from the next territory I have to deliver wolves to and I start to set up camp. I direct Evelyn to gather sticks in the hope that I might need a fire to cook something. I found a cave that would protect the two of us. 

After setting up some traps and scouting out the area for danger, I drop my backpack in the cave.

"Stay here, I'll be back," I say putting my mask on. Evelyn pales. 

"Wait, I'll come with you," I remember the last wolf I let come with me into a territory. Her limp body was carried off after she was attacked, I wasn't fast enough to save her. 

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