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Amity pov

My eyes started to flutter open as I felt a tap on my nose. "H- huh?" I said rubbing my eyes.
"Boop! Time to make up sleeping beauty." Luz said with a soft tone booping my nose. I groaned.
"Anybody else getting off? Last call!" The driver yelled. I was about to fall back to sleep until I felt myself a get lifted. Luz picking me up bridal style. She flipped a few coins into the coin slot and walked out.

"You didn't have to carry me." I said crossing my arms. "Well you weren't planning on getting up anytime soon." Luz said. I groaned once more. "Don't worry, now you can fall right back to sleep right here in my arms blight." Luz winked at me. We only called each other by our last names when we where trying to flirt with each other. So if I wasn't blushing when Luz picked me up I definitely was now. "Let's just go inside you dork." I smirked at her while rolling my eyes. Luz opened the door with one arm, supporting my body with the other. Her mom was standing at the door with her arms crossed

"Where have you been Mija?" Camila said in a stern voice. Luz laying me down on the couch. causing me to sit up. "Lo siento mamá, es una larga historia para más tarde!" Luz said scooping me back up and heading to the stairs.
"Not so fast, I was worried sick about you. Your not going anywhere until you tell me where you girls have been." Camila said. "Fine..we went off to find some stuff to help get back to the boiling isles." Luz said. "Is that all? I thought you got kidnapped for goodness sake." Camila said in relief. I nudged Luz, this was a good time to mention our relationship to her. We where good at understanding each other's body language, so I knew she knew what I was signaling her. "Hey uh— mama..I have to tell you something.. I kinda am—" Luz was interrupted by hunter. "Gus clogged the toilet again!" Hunter yelled sliding down the stairs. "I wanted to see what could fit in it!" Gus yelled following behind him. Hunter and Gus continued to yap as Luz snuck beside them and up the steps.

"W-why didn't you tell her?" I said still trying to stay awake. "I just didn't think it was the right time." Luz said putting me down on my feet. "I know your avoiding telling her Luz." I said crossing my arms. "I know, I know! But what if she gets mad? I'm worried what she might say or do!" Luz said wrapping herself up.
I cupped Luz's cheek. "Whatever happens, we'll face it together." I said. "Plus, if you wait for the right time, you'll die waiting." I nudged Luz.

Luz smiled at me. "You should get to bed, you can barely stand up." Luz said picking me up and laying me on her bed. "Would you stop carrying me! I can walk you know!" I said teasing her. "Barely." Luz said under her breath. "I heard that!" I teased some more. Luz chuckled as she slide beside me, bringing me close into a hug. "You know I was being serious, right?" I said. Luz put her hand over my mouth. "Would you just shush?" Luz teased. I blushed then closed my eyes. The warmth of Luz help me fall asleep easily as I dozed off with the sound of the rain.

(Hey y'all! Sorry this is getting published later then usual. I'm planing on publishing a new book. It's about Luz moving away for a couple of years and she comes back to the boiling isles. Anyway I'm trying to finish this before October 15 because that's when season 3 comes out and it defeats the purpose of making this.)

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