11. Mix-Up

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The credits were rolling and it was only then that Finley realized how little of the second half of the movie she'd processed.

"Let me know when you get home, okay," Pete told her as she was heading out.

"Will do, thanks again."


She hesitated for a brief moment before drawing him close in a hug. His arms wrapped around her in return. "Thanks Pete, good night." And with that she headed on her way.

The ride home seemed to fly by, her thoughts so busy the entire time. The moment she stepped inside her apartment she made sure to text him so she didn't forget. 

Finley: I'm home! Thanks again for tonight, I had a really nice time. 

Finley: Also, thank you again for sharing

She considered adding a heart emoji, but quickly decided against it. 

Finley: I appreciate it

She added instead.

Pete: Anytime! I had a nice time too :) I should cook more often, haha! ;) 

Pete: Thanks for listening

Little did she know, he considered and reconsidered the heart emoji too.


The next day during her lunch break, her phone rang. MOM with the house emoji appeared on screen. She answered right away.

"Hi Mom!"

"Hi Finn!"

She and her mother chuckled as they had both spoken at the same time. 

"How's it going?" she asked.

"Oh good, I just wanted to hear your voice, it's been so long. I thought it was your lunch break so I thought I'd try and I'm glad I caught you! How are you?"

"Good, busy. I told you I'm tutoring now, right?"

"Yes, that's great. How's that going?"

"Really well! Amelia's great and we connected really well." She didn't want to admit it, but it had been so long since she had talked to her mother last she couldn't remember exactly how much she'd updated her on. Oops... "And you remember my friend Bradley from when I was in college? The pilot? Well he's here for work again so we've reconnected in person, and that's really nice. I've made some new friends through him." She didn't mention the one friend she'd made through him that she was feeling a strong attraction to.

Her stepdad came over and shouted a greeting into the phone - he didn't mean to, but Finley still had to hold the phone away from her ear for a moment. "Hi, Nick."

"Finn we want to see you." Her mother had taken over the phone again. "We're thinking of planning a visit out there, or you could come back home?"

I am home. "Oh okay, yeah it would be nice to see you."

"This is all just talk so far, nothing's fully planned yet. Let us know if there's a time that's best for you for a visit or travel."

"Okay, will do." She knew that her mother would prefer her to go back 'home' to New Jersey. 

Her lunch break was coming to an end, and soon her classroom would be flooded by teenagers, so they wrapped up the call, promising to talk soon - sooner than the last time.

This gave her just enough time to finish her sandwich before the bell rang, signaling lunch was over. 

Just as her students were filing into the room her phone buzzed in her pocket. PETE with the motorcycle and plane emoji caught her eye on the screen. But she didn't have time right now.

Wild Heart - Pete 'Maverick' MitchellWhere stories live. Discover now