21. Happy Ending

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It was opening night for Amelia's school play, their production of Oscar Wilde's classic The Importance of Being Earnest. Penny had invited Finley, Pete and Bradley to all come along. It also just so happened that the play was scheduled on Finley's 36th birthday, so another perfect excuse to get the whole gang together. Pete surprised her with a new paint job and polish for her bike and breakfast in bed - "Happy birthday, Sweetheart" - after which they took the bike for a spin to show it off. 

They gave a standing ovation at the production's completion, along with the rest of the audience. When Amelia emerged from backstage, still in costume and makeup, the group swarmed her and handed over their bouquets of flowers, hugs, and praise. 

To celebrate, Penny insisted on taking everyone out to dinner. 

"Well, cheers," Pete announced, raising his glass. "To our leading actress and birthday girl."

"Absolutely," agreed Brad. 

"Thank you for spending your birthday with us," Amelia said.

"I couldn't think of anything better," Finn said genuinely. 

"So any big plans?" Penny asked. 

"Not right away, but we are visiting my mom and step-dad in a few weeks."

"Oh, Pete you get to meet the family!" Penny said jokingly.

"I do,  I'm looking forward to it."

"And I get to show off dad's motorcycle collection to him," Finn added with a grin. 

"Now that I'm really looking forward to," he joked. 

Following dinner, not quite ready to go home  after the festivities, the two rode down to the waterfront and stood in the low light, listening to the crashing of the waves. 

"Are you happy?" Pete asked her. 

"Yes, why?"

"You're smiling."

"I am. And yes, I am happy, very happy. You?"

He smiled back and kissed the top of her head. "The happiest, Sweetheart."

"The happiest."  Yeah, that summed it up pretty damn well. 

And yes, that 'Sweetheart' was all for her. 

(And there we are, I decided to keep the ending short and sweet :) I have loved every minute of this story and hope you have enjoyed this  journey as well!

Thank you so much for everything! Farewell for now dear readers and we'll see you soon!)

Wild Heart - Pete 'Maverick' MitchellWhere stories live. Discover now