18. Waiting, Wondering and Worrying

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"How's this?" Amelia asked, showing Finley her answer at their next tutoring session. "Finley?" she tried again.

"Hmm?" Finley snapped out of her daze, lost in thought - lost deep in thought. "Oh sorry Amelia, I'm so distracted." She rubbed her hands over her face. "Yeah, that looks great."

"Thanks for all your help," Penny told her as she was packing up. "As always."

"Any time, although I don't know how much help I was today." Again, she rubbed her hands over her face in an exhausted and stressed sort of way. 

"You're always helpful," Penny assured her. Then she said, "I was thinking, why don't you come stay with us for the next couple of days, or at least until they're back. I don't like to think about you all alone worrying like you are."

She was so touched by the offer. Her heart squeezed.  "Thanks, Penny. That would honestly be great."

It wasn't only Pete she was worried about, of course, but all of them. She'd gotten to know them, considered them friends, and she didn't want anything bad to happen to anyone.

And of course there was Brad, her first friend out of all of them, and who she had parted ways with in a less than nice way. He was angry with her, that much was clear, and while she wasn't necessarily angry at him back, she was ticked off that he was behaving in such a way over her relationship, not his. Yes, she understood his motives, but also it was none of his business really, who she went out with. 

The next day she packed an overnight bag and brought it to the school with her. She would drive over to the Hard Deck and meet the Benjamins after work.

She also chose to wear Pete's jacket over her shirt and jeans. It was oversized on her, but it felt like a big warm hug, like him, and she loved that. She was prepared not to take it off until he was home.

Until he was home...

Come home safe, all of you, please.  It was a silent plea. 

"Hey, nice jacket," one of her students commented.

"Oh, thank you, it's my boyfriend's."

That started a whole wave of 'Ooooos!' and 'Awwws!' making her chuckle. "But enough of that, we're discussing Shakespeare today."

"Awww!" Now it came as a cry of protest.

"Oh, come on, it's good, I promise. More interesting than my personal life." Okay, maybe she didn't fully agree with that last statement, but she had to get them back on track - and somehow.

The day was long, and a struggle, and so she was very glad to arrive at the bar to meet Penny and Amelia that evening once work was over.

"Let's go home, ladies," Penny declared, and led the way.

Though she was more familiar with the route now, Finley followed behind Penny's car on her bike, parking out front of the house once they arrived.

"Want another glass of wine?" Penny asked her after dinner once Amelia had been sent up to her room to finish her homework.

"That would be great." The two poured more wine and moved to the living room where they continued to chat. 

Finley was suddenly overcome by emotion. Maybe it was because she felt so safe and loved here with Penny in her home, well with Penny anywhere, but her feelings just came pouring out of her, a flood. 

"Aw, honey." Penny set down her wine glass and wrapped an arm around Finley's shoulders. "That's it, you feel it, you let it all out."

"I love him, Penny," she admitted between tears. "I love him.  And I didn't tell him and I wish I did. Of course. I've been beating myself up about it ever since he left. Why didn't I just tell him?!" She let out a frustrated sigh. "He's right, of course, anything could happen and he may never know-" She didn't want to say it, admitting something could happen to him, to any of them, while on the mission.

Come home safe, please, please... Again, she was silently begging, sending a plea out to any and every power in the universe that might hear her. 

"I mean I don't know what I was thinking, that this wouldn't be hard. Of course it would be hard. Of course, that was before he was appointed mission leader and I thought he was an instructor on his way to retirement."

Penny nodded. "I understand. That really changes the perspective."

"Yeah, it sure does." She smiled at the other woman, her friend, through her tears.  "Thank you for everything, Penny."

"Thank you  for everything! You've helped us out so much."

"And you've both helped me out so much."

"And look, I've known Pete for a very long time, too long it seems sometimes," she added with a chuckle, making Finley chuckle too. "And he can turn the most seemingly impossible mission around. He's just that good at his job - but don't tell him I said that." Another joined chuckle.  

"And Brad and I didn't part ways on good terms," she continued.  "I told him about Pete and I and he, understandably, was upset. And he didn't give us the chance to talk about it, he just stormed away all angry. He can't stay mad at Pete forever, can he?"

"It's hard to say. You know how much it cost Bradley, what Pete did. But maybe one day he'll at least understand."

Finley nodded and then tossed back the rest of her wine.  "Thanks Penny. I'm feeling pretty exhausted so I think I'll head to bed."

"Okay, good night, Fin."

"Good night, Pen."

She climbed into bed, still wearing Pete's jacket, wrapping and holding it tightly around herself.

"I love you," she whispered into the collar.  And when she finally fell asleep, it almost - almost - felt like she was falling asleep in his arms. 

(I have been away but am back home now and back to my stories! And was that  a Mission Impossible reference there towards the end? I don't know but I like it! ;) 

Thank you so much for reading and, as always, I hope you enjoyed! :))

Wild Heart - Pete 'Maverick' MitchellWhere stories live. Discover now