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If only his bodyguard hadn't gotten in the way. I would have had him and then Father wouldn't be angry at me right now. 

"Lucy, I thought I told you, you couldn't leave until he was dead?" 

"Yeah, I know. But he had someone come and save his butt." I know that this answer wasn't going to satisfy him and I would end up with a punishment like usual. 

"I know, you just want to be barred from being out in the field with all the other agents." he laughs to himself. I don't dare complain but I know that this is gonna suck. Kill missions are the only missions he allows me to go out on so he knows that I only got to go out so little that now he was going to stop my contact with the outside completely for however long he decided to punish me. 

My mother was always against his treatment of me. So she left me and my father, and she left me to be abused and treated however he saw fit. Since then I have never had aby great things to speak about my parents. I hate my father for his treatment but he is the only family I have left, and I hate my mother for leaving me in his care. I don't have any siblings so I have been truly left alone. 

"I'm sorry." I simply apologize and he let's me leave the room. I need to get out and speak to the informant who forgot to mention that the man he sent me to look for answers was the man I was sent to kill. 


"Hi Davin, it's been a while since we came to see you." I chuckle as I look at the candy around the register. 

"Hello Mister Dragneel. To what pleasure do I owe this pleasant visit?!" He laughs, sounds shaky. I see his hand slowly reach underneath the desk. He knows what were here for. He thinks that since I have a reputation to uphold I would let this go but even then he made sure he had a back up plan in case I came. 

He presses a button but then he lifts his hand slowly back up front and tries to act casual. 

"I think you know why were here? You sold some important information lately?" I chuckle lowly. 

"Yes, your father came in here just a couple days ago." he smiles at me thinking he threw me off course. I am not the leader yet, so he doesn't have to inform me of what he does. I have to inform him, so I don't even flinch and stare him in the eye. 

"I meant that info you sold to the assassin about my whereabouts" that's when Gray emerges from behind him and catches him off guard. "I hope you didn't do this just for money, because if you did. It was all a waste of time because you won't enjoy any of it now" 

"Please, I had to. Let me live just for this one mishap." he pleads. 

"I would, but you sold some pretty big information to an assassin none the less." I laugh. "Got any grievances there Lucy?" Davin and Gray both look around and look for her but I could tell where she is by the small mistake she made when she entered the store. I wouldn't have been able to catch her if she hadn't. She's good, gotta be careful around her. 

"I don't have any issue with it. I mean he's crappy about giving information so I don't get how you had been using him as an informant for so long anyways." she heads out from the aisle and gets close to me. I keep her in the corner of my eye just to be sure but it doesn't look like she has any weapons on her or the intent to kill right now, though she has been taught to hide bloodlust so just to be sure I'll keep a close eye on her. 

"Any last words, Davin?" I ask. 

"Please, I promise I won't give out any information regarding you ever again" he pleads. 

"Sorry but a little to late" I walk out of the store and let Gray handle the rest since I'm sure he had let someone know what was going on with that button he pressed. I need to make sure I don't get caught by whoever he called on. Lucy follows me. "Trying your next attempt, if you are your quite awful at it." 

"No, my father has taken me off of the missions roster for the next little while. I thought that while I had snuck out to speak with Mr. Davin, I would do a little exploring until I get locked away for a couple of months." she lowers her head to look down at the ground. I think I almost catch a tear coming out of her eye. "Looks like you took care of him for me so I can just enjoy some sun before I get locked away" 

"How often does this happen?" I ask. 

"Only when I make a mistake like missing the first attempt and killing on the second strike, or failing to get rid of my target completely" she laughs nervously. 

"So like when you failed to kill me?" I ask cautiously. 

"Yeah, look I really don't have any motive to kill you here. I just wanted to get some answers from Davin, cheap informants, I don't have the need to use weapons on them. But I also didn't want to get grilled, so please stop asking questions" 

I started feeling bad for her. I mean, she has skills, she is good at what she does and I don't think I know anyone better than her in the trade. Her father sill expects more from her, that's gotta be tough. 

"What's the reason you needed me killed?" I ask. 

"It's not that I wanted you to be dead. Everyone I have killed is the orders of my father. I didn't want to be an assassin. So it's my father who wants you dead, that's why I seem different right now then when I was in the field. The act was just for my father, I get in the zone and my personality changes" she explains. 

"So you have no reason or desire to kill me?" 

"No, unless my father orders me to kill you and try again" 

"Interesting" I hear a phone ring and it comes from Lucy's pocket. 

She pulls a phone out and answers it. 

"Hello Father." she answers and I swipe the phone from her hand. 

"What are you doing? Let me go! He'll be so mad" she yells. She squirms and does everything she can to try and get out until Gray comes back with some rope to tie up her arms and I throw her over my shoulder. 

"Natsu, let me go" I hear before Gray tears off a piece of duct tape and she's silence. I set her down in the car and inject her with a serum to make her sleep. It only makes her sleep for the time being until I get her to the base and she has no idea how to get back here. 

It takes a couple doses till she falls asleep, she has been trained to get her body to reject everything in it's system. 

"What's your plan with her?" Gray asks. 

"To give her a better life" I simply state. 

"Since when are we a charity?" he laughs. I ignore him, and we drive off. It's something different about her, she has a complete switch when she's working. In that way she's a lot like my mum from what I remember when I was younger. I want to see how this turns out and see if I she'll benefit us and I'll get the edge on Mr. Heartfillia. 

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