The Wrath Of Demon Prince

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The invite to Dhistidhyumn's wedding arrived as a golden ray of new hope for Pandavas. A new lead to Draupadi and her past.

Yudhisthir's grip tightened on the extravagant golden and silver invite. Each word though mundane secretly spoke to him about her, about their future.

After Drau was separated from him, he always felt...empty. A former shell of himself. Joy and life where cradled earlier in his dark orbs, later was barren as a dry land.

Losing your love would do that to you. Love, a simple word yet held crazy package of emotions.

She was alive. He still couldn't believe it. For how long had he thought that she was dead? Too long.

And now the news that she was alive had breathed a new life in him.

The door to the secret chamber opened. "You got the invite?" Nakul rushed in, a smile blooming on his face. One that was too genuine. His sudden stop had his twin slamminf baxk in his back.

"Give a little warning next time." The youngest pandav grumbled rubbing his nose, shooting a glare at his older twin, who snickered.

"Aw did my baby boo get hurt? Want mommy to kiss your nosie boo good baby?" Nakul taunted, his eyes lit with humor and adoration.

There was a lightness to his steps, like a boulder of weight was shifted from his back. He smiled more easily, more frequently.

It was like watching al rose bloom in early hours of a dewy morning. Beautiful. Entrapping.

Sehdev faked a glare at his older brother, grumbling under his breath as he trudged in.

The eldest son of Pandu couldn't help himself, his lips curved up.

"Yes. We'll be leaving tomorrow as planned. But the only difficulty is Mata has stated that we need to take some maids that could organize all the gifts and things." The eldest in the room stated meeting the twins' gaze.

"And why should that be a problem?" The eldest son of Gandhari asked quizzically, the trio turned to watch as Duryodhan walked in, confusion marring his features.

He was thankful for the lanterns that lit the dark room, this was one place he hated to search during the hide and seek games.

And Nakul knew all this too well, and begin the pain he was, he always chose this room. He mentally snorted at their childhood memories, what grudges he had back than.

And that ego? God those days were now an embarrassment. He couldn't believe he was the one who linked everything with his ego back than.

Smiling at the memory, he looked around the room.

Cobwebs decorated the corners, the room was still a little stuffy, even though he and the twins and dusted it to hell and back.

There was a table that had all the document evidences, maps and scrolls haphazardly piled on it.

Man how do the servants do this cleaning everyday and not get asthma?

"Earth to Bhraata Duryodhan." Teased Nakul, snapping Duryodhan back in reality.

"People here are too nosey brother. How would we talk about what we found. Women salivate to be in our company. And God knows I'm not boasting."

The eldest son of Kunti stated, moving to the rosewood table at the center of the room, leaning forward to read the maps a little better.

"Well the solution is simple to that." Bheem's voice boomed through the chamber as he walked in with Arjun.

Nakul jumped, his heart galloping hard in his chest. "Are you planning to kill me?"

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