Picnic Date AHHH!

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Me and Katsuki have been sparing with each other for the past 5 months now and next week is the entrance exams for UA the most prestigious hero school in all of Japan

"Mom I'm going to the park I'll see you later" I say about to leave "my baby wait one second"

I stand still and look towards my mom "yes?"

"Come here" she says
I start to walk towards my mother

" why are you going to the park like that" she asks suspiciously
(Your outfit if you don't like it imagine smt else)

" why are you going to the park like that" she asks suspiciously (Your outfit if you don't like it imagine smt else)

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(Your hair/makeup)

"Because Katsuki says he has a surprise for me and to dress nicely" I said explaining

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"Because Katsuki says he has a surprise for me and to dress nicely" I said explaining

"Well you look cute but... do you think it's gonna be a date?!" Mom asks happily "maybe..idk but I'm running late love you bye" I say while walking out the door "I love you too sweetness" she says as the door closes

I pull out my phone to text Katsuki

Hey I'm omw I'll be there soon ly 😩❤️

Ok hurry up I'll see you soon I love you too❤️😒


Stop using that weird ass emoji 💀

I just showed up to the park after he sent that and saw him sitting down on the grass

"KATSUKI! Over here!" I yell while waving my hand like a Roblox character

He sees me yelling and gets up with something in his hands "hey Katsu" I say he smiles a bit and then leans over and gives me a kiss

BLACK QUEENZ FOREVA (Katsuki x Black Fem reader) (RECONTINUED)😋Where stories live. Discover now