Just friends

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-- Y/N --

As we were playing, we heard screams.. of delight? We turned towards the sound and saw a group of girls surrounding a certain blonde, whom I could've sworn I've seen before..

Aomine stared at the group unamused. "Seriously, Kise?" he grumbles. Kise? As in Kise Ryota? Generation of Miracles? I stared as he somehow got rid of his fangirls and walked towards us.

"Hi Aominecchi! Hi Y/N-cchi! I saw you guys playing so I decided to come watch. You know the show you guys put on back at the gym was amazing! It really gave a good impression on Akashicchi! Mind if I play, too?"

I giggled. "Sure as long as your fangirls don't kill me for beating your sorry butt!" I joked. "Oh don't worry. Cause I won't lose :)" he grinned cheekily.

"We'll see about that.." Aomine laughed as he threw the ball up.

I jumped and caught the ball before Kise. I started dribbling towards my hoop. I did a forward flip and dunked the ball in.

Sure, many people might have thought I was showing off, but I was just having fun. If you can't handle it you can get lost :D

"Wow that was a pretty good dunk for a beautiful girl like you" he complimented. I blushed. "What? Are you suggesting that pretty girls can't play basketball properly?" I teased.

"Well most girls I guess" he laughed. "Well I guess I'm not most girls then" I grinned.

We spent about an hour or two playing until even Aomine was fast asleep. It was around 6.50 p.m. I woke Aomine up. "Huh? Where am I?" he asked waking up in a daze.

"It's almost 7. We should get going.." I say.

"Almost 7, eh? Good it's almost time.." he said. He patted the space next to him on the bench. I sat next to him. "So what are we waiting for?" I ask, curious.

"You'll see.." he said calmly which was kind of irritating.

I started to bug him about the surprise and constantly shook his arm. He chuckled. "You never had patience did you, Y/N?" he asked.

Suddenly, the sky became darker and I saw a clear view of the sunset. Pink, red, orange & streaks of yellow.. it was beautiful..

"Beautiful.." I said.

-- Aomine --

"Yep.. she's breathtaking alright.." I said staring at Y/N with a slight smile. "She?" she asked, looking at me confused.

"Um- 0-0" I panicked. I stuffed another popsicle in her mouth.

"Mm.." she said sucking on it. I guess she forgot. Phew.. that was close..

She leant onto my shoulder with this cute smile on her face. I blushed and looked away. I felt a tug on my shirt. I turned to see Y/N tearing up.

"Does my joy make you angry Dai-chin? Cause everytime I smile or laugh.. your face turns red like you're angry.." she mumbles, crying.

"What?! No of course not! You're just so cute when you laugh or smile that I end up blushing cause I like you!!" I blurted out.

.. wait... what...

"I like you too Dai-chin.. you're the bestest friend I ever had!" She said with a grin. "But don't tell Satsuki and the others ok?" She said with this adorable smile of hers.

Of course.. I was just a friend to her..

She yawned sleepily. So, I brought her home. She was lying her head on my arm and holding my hand the whole way.

When we arrived at her house, she tip-e-toed to kiss my cheek. "Thanks for walking me home Dai-chin. See you tomorrow." she said letting go of my hand and going inside.

Oh y/n.. when will you stop obliviously teasing me?

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