Chapter 132

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She wondered just how in the world did Riftan react that the blunt wizard with nerves of steel had behaved in such fear. Max clenched the sheets, her expression evidently anxious. Seeing her face, Ruth was quick to add to his words to

“Don’t worry about it. The lady contributed enormously to this war. If Lord Calypse loses his temper, all the people in Ethylene will run to stop him. Whatever happens, I’ll take your side. We’ve had our share of history, so the lord probably won’t kill me.” Max’s eyes widened and Ruth scratched the back of his head and spoke awkwardly. “Come to think of it, I haven’t been able to properly express my gratitude yet. I survived and I am alive right now because of the lady. Thank you.”

Surprised by the sincerity, Max hurriedly waved her hand. “N-not at all. I’m glad… that e-everyone’s is safe. “

Suddenly, a sad smile appeared on Ruth’s lips, but before she could ask anything further, the wizard went out of the tent. Although the conversation was brief, Max felt exhausted. It had to be true that she was unconscious for a whole week: all of her wounds seem to have healed, but her limbs felt tired, and her head felt heavy. She stared up at the ceiling with sunken eyes, then tried to sit up when suddenly, she heard more footsteps rushing towards the tent and two priestesses came rushing into the tent.


Max smiled heartily as she saw the faces of Idcilla and Selena. Seeing that they were both alive and well, Max let out a sigh of relief. Idcilla immediately ran over to her and tucked a thick pillow behind her to ease the pressure on her back.

“You shouldn’t be getting up all by yourself just yet. What are you going to do if you fall?”

“I was ju-just… trying to sit up.”

“If you need anything, call someone for help. You just woke up, so you shouldn’t be moving on your own for a while.”

The girl scolded her incessantly and pulled the blanket up to her chin. Selena walked over to her and set a tray by the head of the bed. “I made some light porridge with some herbs to help you regain some of your strength.”

“Th-thank you.”

Max took the spoon and looked at the two girls. Max was concerned that something bad had happened to them while she escaped in the middle of the chaos, but fortunately they seemed to have survived and hidden well from the monster army. Her expression was bright, thinking that everything was well, but suddenly a thought crossed her mind and her face hardened as she recalled the battle. She began to wonder what had happened to everyone else. Although Ruth informed her, she did not hear of any details. No matter what the result was, a full-scale invasion still took place. There must have been a massive number of casualties.

“What’s the situation… in the i-infirmary?”

“The number of wounded has increased by a lot, but the wizard who came to the frontlines with the Allied Forces has returned to help us and now the situation has gone stable.”

Idcilla poured porridge into the bowl and gave her a stern look. “The lady must focus on taking care of her health. We will take care of the work in the infirmary, so don’t worry about anything.”

Max took the steaming bowl and looked around. She wanted to probe for more details, if everyone was really fine, or if any of the Remdragon Knights were injured, but seeing how busy everything was, she didn’t want to snoop and be a nuisance. She blew on her porridge and slowly took a sip. She ate her food little by little and when she finished, Idcilla placed a partition to surround her bed.

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