Chapter 140

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After the bitter conversation they shared, they then returned to the great hall. At the time they were back, the delegation was already preparing to leave. It felt suffocating for Max to send their visitors off without taking a proper rest when they had come from a long journey. She ignored Riftan’s words not to say goodbye and led her servants to the front of the door to say farewell to the delegation. The princess who threatened Riftan did not appear pleased, but she was still a royal and she shouldn’t be sent off so coldly like this.

“Don’t make that face, I was thinking of leaving today anyway. I will stay with Count Robern for a day and then head straight to Castle Croix. We must announce the withdrawal of the war declaration as soon as possible.” The princess looked at Max who was standing uncomfortably and flashed a hazy smile on her mouth. “Although I do not know what happened, based on Riftan’s behavior, the Duke of Croix must have done something very out of place. I apologize that I could not take the side of Anatol.”

“D-don’t be sorry. I understand… that your royal position forbids you.”

Max muttered stiffly, lowering her eyes. The clerical attitude of the princess towards the matter was disappointing, but it was her own fault that things got to that point. If she had not followed the Duke of Croix that day, the princess would not have had to intervene in this way, running around Weddon.

Max couldn’t raise her head due to the guilt that’s eating her. “Please… be ca-cautious as you depart. I wish you a… safe journey.” 

“Thank you for seeing us off. Today…” The princess suddenly blurred the end of her words. She spoke in an awkward way, not very likely of her, who was always imposing. “I was relieved to see that you are in good health. I am deeply sorry for many things towards you Maximillian.”

“D-don’t say that.”

While waving her hand with a bewildered face, she shook her head firmly. “In many ways, my thinking fell too short. I’m sorry that you discovered it in the worst way possible. However, the rumors did not spread throughout the palace like what the Duke of Croix said. That man exaggerated.”

Max’s face hardened when she realized that the princess was talking about the rumors on her fertility. Agnes then added hastily.

“Of course, I am not trying to defend the king’s mockery towards the duke. It was wrong of His majesty. I apologize on behalf of my father. If by chance, you have anything you need help with, please don’t hesitate to tell me.”

Max looked at the serious face of the princess then glanced behind her and looked at Rosetta, who was turning her back on them as if she wasn’t interested in the conversation. She wondered if she could tell Agnes what her sister told her on the duke’s advances. Max, who was worried for a moment, opened her mouth.

“Later… If the Duke of Croix… exerts pressure on Anatol…please intervene and m-mediate as aggressively as you did today. That alone… is more than enough.”

As if thinking that she would not openly side with Riftan, the princess, who seemed a bit surprised, soon nodded firmly.

“Don’t worry about it. If your father does anything wrong, I’ll step forward and stop him.”

At the princess’s words, Max’s face became clouded. “I-indeed… His majesty values the Duke of Croix… more than Riftan.”

Princess Agnes, who had hesitated, soon admitted. “To be honest, yes. King Ruben wants to keep Riftan close, but that’s only because he wants to show off the knight called The Incarnation of Uigru to other nations. At the present time, when war is forbidden by the Treaty of the Seven Kingdoms, Remdragon’s armed forces are not of great value to use, except on subduing monsters and mediating disputes.”

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