late night talking

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I woke up on Boris's mattress, my stomach was aching. I moaned in pain, I shook Boris gently.

He woke up and looked at me, "Potter?" he looked worried, "Are you okay, Potter?" He reaches over to me and sits up.

"My stomach, it hurts really badly." I hold my stomach leaning down. 

Boris picks me up and brings me to the bathroom. He takes my glasses off, "Lean over the toilet incase you throw up." 

I nod and lean over it, I hold my stomach tighter. I feel like I'm going to throw up but nothing comes out. I look over at Boris, "I'm hungry.."

He frowns, "Do you have to throw up?" I shake my head, he puts my glasses back on my nose. He goes into his closet and grabs a sweatshirt. He slips it on me, it smells like him. I know its a weird thing to say, but he smells like cigarettes and a fire after its been put out.

"Thank you." I smile holding my stomach. He picks me up and carries me down stairs.

"Maybe your in labor, Potter?" He winks and smirks, I blush and roll my eyes.

"Not the time.." He frowns and get cereal, he pours the milk in first then the cereal in second. Who the fuck does that.  

He hands me the bowl, "Thank you." He nods and sits in the chair next to me. He sits there and plays with my hair, he's so comforting it drives me insane.

"You feeling better, yes?" He smiles innocently. 

"Yes, yes I am. Thank you, Boris." I put my hand on his cheek and trace it. He smiles and puts his hand on mine. I smile back and kiss him, he kisses me back gently. He tasted like cigar, but also vanilla. I don't know how though.

We pulled away. He smiled and kissed my forehead, he stayed there for a few seconds and pulled away again.

"I love you, Potter." I smiles and puts his hand on my leg.

"I love you too, daddy issues." I smiled back and put my hand on top of his.

"I'm serious, Potter. I really love you." He smile faded as I joked.

"I know I know." My smile remained there thinking he was joking.

"No you don't get it, you don't get how much I love you. How much love you really deserve but you've never even had-" He started as I interrupted.

"But I have you, so I have all the love I need and deserve." I get confused, why did his mood just change like that. 

"No, Potter." He grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer.

"What the hell, Boris are you okay?" My smile faded as he got closer. I pushed his face away and ran into the bathroom.

*knock, knock, knock* I hear while sitting in the bathtub. I was crying, what happened to Boris? Was he high? Was he drinking? Was he okay?

"Theodore open up." He knocks again, I hear the guilt in his voice but I ignore him.

"Theo, I'm sorry I snapped I don't know what got into me." I ignored him again, staying in the bathroom. 

"Open the door, Theo." I got up and unlocked the door, I walked back to the tub and sat in it. Boris opens the door and looks at me. Hes frowning.

"Look Potter, I'm sorry. I just never want to lose you." He took my hand and kissed it.

"But there's other ways to show love, instead of being a dick about it." I took my hand away and crossed my arms.

"Theodore, listen to me. I didn't mean to be a dick I was just worried. I felt like you didn't realize how much I loved you." He frowned and sat there looking down. I saw the guilt run down his face.

"But that's the thing, I did realize. I know you love me so much and I know you love to show it, but you went too far." I looked at him crying.

He took me in for a hug and held me tight. He carried me out of the bathroom and onto his mattress. He held me in his arms like a baby.

"Its okay Potter. Its okay. Just breathe." He cooed. I stopped crying and closed my eyes.

I felt Boris kiss my head before I fell asleep in his arms.

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