39. Love Fest

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Lupe's voice, along with the pounding on the door, reverberated in Juliana's head as she struggled to open her eyes.



"WHAT?!" Juliana shouted, squeezing her eyes shut as she brought her hands to her head. Why did her brain feel like it had its own pulse?



Juliana heard her mother mutter something about "That girl" before her voice trailed off. A whimper to her left made Juliana turn.

"What is going on with your mother?" Valentina groaned; her arm draped over her eyes as she rolled onto her back.

"I have no idea!" Juliana sighed, closing her eyes, and praying her headache would miraculously disappear. It was too early for her mother's dramatics. The loud banging seemed particularly cruel this morning.

Last night had been fun but if this was the result of drinking alcohol, once was enough!

She had enjoyed being out with Valentina and her siblings. Whatever stick had been up Eva's butt, was well and truly gone! The woman seemed like a totally different person. Even Mateo had been in great spirits, his arm often draped around his wife, holding her close.

The group had sipped on their drinks, laughing, and chatting before taking to the dance floor. The three couples lost to the beat of the music, holding each other as they danced.

It had taken some liquid courage, and a little provocation from her girlfriend, for Juliana to finally kiss Valentina in the packed night club.

She groaned, her palm pressing between her eyebrows as she remembered Eva's interruption. Although Valentina had been more annoyed than embarrassed by the interruption, Juliana couldn't stop herself from blushing at Renata and Eva's teasing.

The first celebratory shots, Eva insisted on, were fine. But the cycle repeated itself. A few more drinks, more dancing, more kissing, more shots. After that, memories of their night became blurry. She didn't remember leaving the club or getting home. They were home now, in her bed, so obviously they had made it home safely. But having no memory of how she got there was slightly concerning.

It won't happen again! Juliana vowed, resigning herself to getting out of bed before her mother returned.

"Go back to sleep," she said, kissing Valentina quickly before stepping out of bed, naked. "Shit!" Juliana spun around, the room tilting slightly as she looked down at her girlfriend. "Val?"


"Are you naked?" she whispered.

Valentina's eyes opened, her gaze leisurely raking over Juliana's body, before lifting the bed sheet. "Yep!"

Juliana stared at her girlfriend, trying to remember anything about coming home... but there was nothing! "Do you remember taking your clothes off?"

Valentina smiled as she closed her eyes and snuggled into her pillow. "I believe it was you who took off my..." Her eyes flew open as she sat up. "Oh shit... Juls... we um... we may have started stripping in the living room!"



"Fuck!" Valentina's wide eyes stared at the closed door.

"OKAY, OKAY!! WE'RE COMING!! Jesus!" Juliana turned to a suddenly very awake Valentina. "Come on, Val. Quick, get dressed before she walks in!"

"She sounds angry!" Valentina whispered, scrambling to the edge of the bed.

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