a chaotic day

705 32 14

Izayoi: hows Kasukabe doing.

Black rabbit: she will be ok but it will take a bit more time for her to recover. So izayoi master jin told me the good news it's noble of you to participate in the gift games so you can return our friend to us. And Whith accelerator's help it will be easy to do.

Izayoi: I know I promised so that's what I'll do. So tell me about her this former demon lord of yours.

Black rabbit: she's only the most wonderful person ever. Her name is Leticia she has a brilliant mind and taught me a lot. I don't think that there has been any demon lord as respected as her. However when our community was ruined the other lord's took her away.

Accelerator: and ever since then then they've been offering her up as a prize in game after game right.

Black rabbit: yes..... wait accelerator when did you get her.

Accelerator: hu I've been here the hole time Idiot are you really that blind.

Black rabbit: whaaaaaaaaa well umm well now we'll finally be able to
Win her back I'm sure you'll be able to do it Izayoi and even if you cant we have accelerator.

Izayoi: trust me we wont need that anorexic albino I am all we need.

Accelerator: keep talking out of your as and I will rip you a new one.

Black rabbit: wait no stop fighting please.

Accelerator: tch fine

Accelerator then started walking to the door.

Accelerator: I'm going into town I will be gone for a while. Izayoi deal with the visitor.

Black rabbit: umm ok see you.

Accelerator then leaves and goes outside where he jumps up into the air and starts to travel at super sonic speeds. Before landing by the cafe he had visited before. Accelerator entered and sat down at a three person table.

Accelerator: qliphah.

Then a small vortex/whirlwind appeared and then it changed into a semi transparent demon girl.

Qliphah: hehehehne well hello master it has been a while since you have summoned me. Were you getting lonely without me by your side.

She then rapt her arms around his neck.

Accelerator: get the fuck of me this is a public area.

Qliphah: oooooow so you are saying that I can do what ever I want with you in private neneeheehehen

Accelerator: just sit down would you and stop drowning attention to us.

Qliphah: nehee,hehe,hee ok master.

After a while a waitress came and asked them for there orders and ofcourse accelerator said coffee.

After a while as accelerator was about to finish his drink but qliphah was nowhere near done. Accelerator noticed a familiar presence.

Accelerator: What do you want aiwass.

Aiwass: oh nothing I was just here to see what kind of progress you are making.

Accelerator: well that was the point of coming here I was waiting to see if you would show before starting the discussion.

Aiwass: oh so you want me to be in the know really wow that is strange of you unless you are trying to get me to help you get back.

Accelerator: well qliphah what have you found.

Qliphah: nothing that will help us get home but I have learned a good bit about some of the powers here.

Accelerator: tch well that sucks. Well that's fine just go back and keep investing.

Qliphah: ok master but I will need a good reward for this work nehehehenehaha.

Accelerator: just go already.

After those words were said qliphah disappeared leaving nothing but dust and a napkin behind.

Accelerator: so if you have any way for me to get back I would greatly appreciate your help.

Aiwass: really you asking me for help well fine I guess that I can tell you something. There is a being here that can rip a hole in reality that is not permanent unlike what you would do which would destroy both phases. And it doesn't require magic so you will be able to get home thanks to him.

Accelerator: really and where is he.

Aiwass: what I don't want to ruin the entertainment Or I  would incur the rather painful rath of some one I doubt even you at your current power could beat.

After those words aiwass also disappeared this time of his own doing.

Accelerator: this fucking sucks. But at least I know that I definitely can get home I just need to find out who they are and where to find them

Accelerator then started to fly back to the no name community. But when he got back he saw black rabbit pointing to an empty area in the sky. So he landed and walked over to them.

Accelerator: what the fuck is going on here.

Black rabbit: oh accelerator thank god could you be a dear and destroy thousand eyes for me.

Accelerator: hu what the hell are you talking about.

Izayoi: come with use I will explain on the way.

Sorry for the second short chapter in a row but at least this one is better written.
Well thanks for reading and I hope to see you all again soon bye.

?????M: see what did I tell you patients is always rewarded in the end.

?????G: I guess but at least this world has changed so much since I was here last. It is completely different and it is even entertaining again.

?????M: I am glad that you are enjoying your.

?????G: ya I hope he makes the fight fun to watch.

?????M: I am sure he will.

an extra problem child ( accelerator in problem children )Where stories live. Discover now