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Minds busy, we spend the next half hour in silence, appart from the occasional far-fetched guess

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Minds busy, we spend the next half hour in silence, appart from the occasional far-fetched guess. I get way to fidgety, sitting at that table. I rise and start walking up and down the rows of bookshelves, eyes scanning over random titles.
The Beginners Guide to Divination. Hocus Pocus Potions. Broomstick Care for Dummies. Transfiguration Explained. Quidditch: a History.

I continued down the rows and rows of books, eyes reading but not truly comprehending as my mind was too busy trying to crack the eggs riddle.
Most Potente Potions. A History of Magic. The Largest Merpeople Colonies in Britain. Wait. What was that?

I backtrack a few steps to the book about mermaids and grab it off the shelf. Mermaids exist? Flicking through the book, It's clear that they look nothing like the beatiful, perfect ladies in muggle folklore and stories. They're ugly, ashen-skinned creatures with grey-green hair and sharp eyes and teeth. Flicking through the book some more, a particular word jumps out at me. Hogwarts.

Opening the page, I read.

The third largest tribe of merpeople currently reside in the Black Lake at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

There are Merpeople in the great lake? I ponder over this for several minutes until the realisation finally sets in and my mouth pops open.

"Harry! Harry, Hermione I've got it!" Sprinting back to the table, I swing the book up and it lands with a loud thump on the dark wood. "Merpeople! That's why the egg only sung when you put it underwater! They must have taken something from you! And you have to find it!"
He thinks about it for a few moments, his brain ticking over.
"You are brilliant, Ruby Weasley!" Harry beams.
"I try." I chuckle. But then his thoughts seem to shift.
"Er-" he says before sighing.
"Yes?" Hermione asks.
"I have to breathe underwater for an hour!"

It was February 23rd. The second task was tomorrow.

We spend another two hours flicking though books in the library, with no success. At some point Ron joins us.

"Guys, it's 9 o'clock. Just go to sleep, I'll work something out." Harry says, frowning.
"No Harry." I say firmly.
"We're going to find it." Hermione mumbles, not looking up from her page.
"Definitely." Ron assures.
Hey Harry, what about-" Hermione's sentence is cut off by the arrival of Professor Moody.

"Hello, Professor!" I smile to the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor.
"Granger, Weasley, you're wanted in the headmasters office." Moody grunts. Hermione stands up, followed by Ron and I.
"Not you, Ron. Just this one." Moody points to me and Ron sits back down.

Hermione and I exit the library and walk toward Dumbledores office.
"You don't think... you don't think we'll get in trouble for helping Harry, do you?" Hermione asks, worry tingeing her voice.
"Maybe... but I'm sure Ron would be with us if it was about that." I reason.
"Yeah... maybe." She gulps.

When we reach the stone gargoyle, it automatically starts turning and the two of us climb to the top. I knock on the large wooden door and it opens out, revealing the five people on the other side.

Dumbledore sits in his chair behind his desk, flanked on either side by Madame Maxime and Karkaroff. A long table separates Dumbledores desk from Cho Chang and another very young girl with golden wispy hair and soft features.

"Ah! Miss Weasley. Mia Granger. You are right on  time!" Dumbledore says.

{{{{{{{{{{{authors note}}}}}}}}}}}}

The second task is approaching! What are your thoughts on the story? Let me know!

Question of the chapter: what is your Patronus? Answer here:       ⇨⇨⇨⇨

If you don't know your Patronus, Take the quiz on the Wizarding World website (aka Pottermore) or copy and paste the link:


My patronus is a black swan!

Hope you're all doing great.
Have a lovely day,

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