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I sit at a dark wood desk in Gryffindor common room, parchment and books spread around me

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I sit at a dark wood desk in Gryffindor common room, parchment and books spread around me. The fire crackles merrily like always and it's hard not to abandon my homework and take a nap on the couch. However I must admit, my History of Magic homework on 20th century witch burnings was rather interesting.

I remember the tea flowers I bought from Magnolia-Rose Tea Emporium the previous week, and rush down to the kitchens.

I look around for Dobby before realising it's the weekend, and he has two days off.

"Oh! Hello, Winky." I say as the skinny elf stumbles by me wearing an extremely tattered and torn pink dress.
"Hellloooo Miss Weasleeyyy." Winky slurs, swaying slightly as though there is a breeze in the room. She's carrying a large bottle of Butterbeer and takes a large swig of the drink, spilling the liquid down her front.

"Oh! Winky! You is awake!" Another elf appears  appears from around a corner, introducing herself as Polly. I remember meeting this elf before.
"Ruby Weasley, please excuse Winkys behaviour. She is having too much Butterbeer."
"But that's stuffs not strong at all." I state.
"It is to a House-Elf, Miss." Polly sighs. "Can I get you something?" She asks me.
"Yes please, actually. Could you grab me a teapot full of water, and a cup please?
"Of course, Miss Weasley." Polly disappears back around the corner before reappearing with a huge tray, bearing a tea set.
"Ruby, you is having to go now. Polly is having to help Winky now." Polly hands me the blue and pink tea set in his arms. "Polly put some cookies on the plate for you, miss."
"Thank you, Polly. Goodbye." I wave. "And bye Winky." I the elves farewell and leave the kitchens.

When I get back to the common room, I fetch my bags of tea and put two teaspoons of dried rose petals into the teapot. I poor myself a cup and add a teaspoon of honey. The tea is a perfect pink colour.

"Mmm." I sigh, taking a sip of the sweet, floral liquid. I still have so much homework to do, but right now I don't really care.

After draining my cup to the very last drop, I set my cup down and nibble on one of the chocolate cookies Polly set me.

I hear the familiar sound of the portrait swinging open and turn to see the newcomer is none other than Harry.

"Hey, Harry." I smile.
"What?" He says, looking up from the ground. His face is sweaty and slightly green.
"I said hey. Are you alright?"
"Oh- sorry. Hey. I'm fine." He says, though he's knees shake and give way. He lands on the couch by the fire and I rise from my desk to sit with him.

"What's wrong?" I say, taking his hands in both of mine and sitting down next to him.
"Well, I was talking with Viktor Krum, near the forest. Crouch appeared and he was all-"
"Wait, wait. Slow down, okay."
"Okay -er- sorry. Krum wanted to talk to me about something. I don't even remember what it was now. Crouch... Crouch came out from behind the bushes. He was mumbling like a madman, like he thought he was at the Ministry, and kept talking to a tree like it was Percy. But then it was like someone flicked a switch and his whole personality would change entirely. He kept asking for Dumbledore, talking about danger and how 'it was all his fault'. It was like he was in a trance... and kept coming in and out of it. His eyes were practically rolling into the back of his head at one point. I went to get Dumbledore, and left Viktor with Crouch. When Dumbledore and I got back, Crouch was gone and Viktor was stunned. Dumbledore 'rennervated' him and Krum said that Crouch had stunned him."
"Oh." I say. I have no other words, nothing else to say. "You just... you just breathe okay? You're white as a sheet."

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