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Chap 4. The Grabber

It had been a few days since the disappearance of Robin. I had not been doing good, I had huge bags under her eyes, from the lack of sleep I had. I also had a hard time paying attention in class, to help Finney would tutor me every Thursday at my house since we got out early that day, and there we were sitting in my room.

I was zoned out and was slowly falling asleep. Finney had noticed, he put his notebook down and snapped in my ears causing me to fly up still half asleep.

"Earth to Lilly" Finney spoke in a calm voice "you need to pay attention"

"why its all bullshit" She responded standing up and putting arms up to my waist

" No its not, your focus should be on this not what ever u were zoned out about. " Finney's eyes followed the girl. She turned around and faced the boy, and walked towards him

"it is bullshit" I mumbled, a few tears treating to fall " it has nothing to do with Robin" I said a bit louder, frowning at his name. Finney also frowning. " and he's missing. And something terrible happened to him and I know it, I know " I slowly start to break down in quiet sobs

" oh, Lilly" Finney stood up and and hugged the girl before she started to sob louder

" and nobody is listening to me" she finished mumbling in his chest, tears running down her face.

" don't worry about him right now "

"how could I not"

The two stood there for a bit, till Finney had to go home leaving the sad girl alone.

The next day, was the last day of the week, thankfully. I had just walked out of my house to see Gwen running with a rock in hand. Weird, i thought before following Gwen. Gwen turns the corner, I follow. My eyes meet with the three boys from the other day.

" Cock sucking cowards!" Gwen yells before hitting the one with long hair with the rock. He fell to the ground blood spilling out of his head. I drop my backpack and begin to speed walk, as I gets there Gwen gets knocked down and the red head begins to kick her.

" What the hell!" I yell catching his attention.

Anger rushed through the me, I honestly didn't even know what I was doing. I clenched my fist and raise it. I swing at the boy hitting him straight in the nose causing a streak of blood flowing out. He puts his hand to wipe the blood before looking at me. He swings and his me. I fall to the ground as he begins to kick me. Hard

A couple of minutes later the three boys walk away, leaving me on the ground, beat up pretty bad.

I walk into sience class with a purple cheek and a busted lip, also brusies on my stomach but noboy needed to know about those. I sit in my assigned seat, almost everyones eyes on me. I take out my notebook and get ready for the day.

After a few seconds the teacher spoke up '' Its the day you've all been dreading! Frog dissection day. Uh.. pick a parner " Everyone stood up and began to make there way to thier friends. I look up. "remember, you will be paired with this parner for the rest of the year." I look over at Finney, noticing Donna making her way over to him. I quickly stand up and grab my stuff to make my way over before her, but she ended up beating me

"you need a parner?'' she asks him with a smile. Finney looks over to me then back to Donna

"Um i dont think so, i have Lilly" he says before looking back at me "Right?"

"Um yeah" I say quickly making my way to the seat next to him. Donna sends a glare at me before walking away towards her friends. I look over at him sending him a smile. "you totally lost your chance with her"

"I dont care, i dont really like anymore" He smiles back at me. "i like someone else" i open my mouth to respond butthe teacher speaks up before i have a chance. I turned my focas back to the lessen, zoning out from time to time think about she might actually have a chance.

After school the blake siblings were walking and laughing with Lilly like usaul.

"Donna! Donna! mw mwah mwah! oh finney would you be MY lab parner!" Gwen teased Finney, i on the other hand was trying to hide a smile.

" Stop it you jerk'' Finney says causing them to laugh. Gwen turns down a street. "where you going?''

"Suzies, its friday" Gwen rsponds

"ok ill look after dad"

"See you kids" Gwen says before turning completely around and walking to her friends house. Me and Finney walk in silence before a man witha black van tumbles to the ground, his groceries going everywhere.

"oh god!" The man says, laughing at himself, he bends down to look at his groceries. "Well isnt that peachy keen" the man laughs again

"you need some help?" Finney asks the man. I look over at him and rasie an eyebrow. I did not wanna be here right now. The man laughs in responce to Finney.

"You see this?!" The man picks up a broken egg off the ground and starts to laugh again.

"Yeah" Finney responds, akwardly chuckling. The man points to his hat which happens to be right by my feet.

"Can you pass me my hat " The man looks up at me and sends me a awful smile, which sent me a gut awful feeling.

"Yeah sure" I lean down to pick up his hat and hand it to him. He stands up and places the hat on his hat

" im a part time magician!" He shoke a can in his hand "wanna see a magic trick?" the bad feeling quickly went away. I love magic tricks, everyone knows that. I smile at the man

"Yeah!" i respond. Finney takes a step foward before speaking up.

"Are those black ballons in there?" He asks looking up at the man. The man opens the back of his van, grabs the ballons, then reaches for the kid closes to him. Which happens to be me. He puts me in a choke hole and ties the ballons around my neck slightly choking me. He then sprays whatever was in that can in my face which causes my vision to blur. He throws me in the van, i hot my head and black out.

My eyes burn as i slowly open them. My vision was still blurry, i look around not being able to see anything but grey and black sploches. The man or i can say the grabber, walks in with Finney in his hands. He walks close to the matress and throws him next to me

"I should snap your neck for what you did to my arm!" The grabber says, he leans down a few feet infront of me. i slowly move back towards the wall not wanting to be close to him. Finney sits up from his place in the bed. "Jesus. its coverd in blood. It looks like i killed someone" He finishes before wiggiling his hand in me and Finneys face. "not like you can see shit."

He pauses for a few mommemts then he continues, "What i said about your neck.. i was angry thats all" He turns his full attention to Finney. ''you did a number on my arm" The Grabber laughs a bit. "But im not gonna hold it against you. I guess were even now" He looks over and me, he takes a step towards me and starts to run his fingers through my hair, i flintch a bit.

" You dont have to be scard. Nothing bad will happen here, on that you have my word Johnny" The Grabber says and holds up two fingers. He stops running his hands through my hair and stands up.

''you like soda? Hm how about i go get you two a soda, and the-" He pauses as a ringing phone fills the air, he turns his head to the door and then back at us. "is that a phone? you hear a phone ringing?" Im gonna go see who it is then ill bring you guys a soda and explain everything" The Grabber walks to the door, closes it and locks it shut.


oooo juciy

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