(F) DoTae: I Smell Some Jealousy~

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-I'm not editing anything they wrote so this is 100% YourNCTsimp story-

-If you want to translate or anything, pm me and I'll dm them for confirmation-


This is my first fic! I hope you enjoy <3 STREAM "Sit Down" Doyoung's part gotta be my fav


"Babyyyy, you know I was just kidding!" Taeyong yells from the other side of the door.

"I'm still mad at you!" Doyoung replied.

What happened earlier in the evening

"Taeyong, are you sure this is a good idea?" Baekhyun asks

"Pleaseeeee Hyung. I will bring you Doyoung's homecooked pasta for a week!" Taeyong looked at Baekhyun with his boba eyes.

"Do you think he will really be willing to cook for me after this?" Baekhyun gave him a glare.

Taeyong doesn't say a thing and just lets his eyes do the work. "Taeyong, stop with that look," Baekhyun grumbles. Taeyong doesn't reply and added a pout. "Okay, fine" Baekhyun gives out a defeated sigh.

Taeyong smiles with glee, "Thanks Hyung! You are the best!"

Doyoung comes to the practice room, where he sees the members taking a break. And he also sees Baekhyun on the couch with Taeyong. They were giggling and talking about something. Baekhyun ruffled Taeyong hair and gave Taeyong a friendly kiss on the head.

Doyoung clenched his fists and went to Johnny and Yuta who were beside the water cooler.

After practice, Doyoung immediately left the room and headed for the showers. Johnny and Yuta came up to Taeyong with a disappointed but not surprised look.

"You better go talk to Doyoungie" says Johnny.

"You have to stop doing this to him all the time, Tae" Yuta added.

"I don't do it that much" Taeyong tried to defend himself, knowing exactly what they are talking about.

"You did it yesterday and the week before," Jaehyun said from behind. "You should go see him now, he seems pretty upset this time."

"Okay, I will stop doing it so frequently" Taeyong replies, and goes out to chase Doyoung.

"I highly doubt that," says Johnny, with an eyebrow raised.

Present time in Taeyong's POV

I could see Doyoung's pout from the other side of the door. How can I not help but tease him? He's so cute when he gets angry and jealous!

"Doyoung!" I called out again "Baby, please come out. I'm sorry."

The door made a "click" sound as Doyoung unlocked the door. He was wearing a cute baby blue oversized hoodie. He was pouting and had his arms crossed, and eyes..red? Did he cry?!?!

I pulled him into a hug straight away and gave him multiple kisses on the head. "Bunny, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry."

"Hyung, you know I don't like it when you make me jealous," Doyoung murmured through his pout. He sank into my arms even further.

"Bunny, I hope you understand that it's because I love you. I love it when you get jealous and become all cute!" Doyoung whined even more and buried his face into my shoulder. "How about I make it up to you with a movie and cuddles?"

"Will there be kisses too?"

"Of course! Anything for you my bunny"

Third POV

Taeyong carried his bunny into the living room. He set Doyoung on the couch as he went to get ice cream and other snacks. They cuddle up on the couch together and started the movie.

Halfway through the movie, Taeyong heard little snores coming from beside him. He turned around to see his cute bunny sleeping peacefully. Deciding to let him sleep for a while, Taeyong continued the movie.

He yawned and checked the time once the movie ended. It was nearing midnight.

"Doyoung baby, Doyoung wake up." the older called. Doyoung stirred from his sleep and yawned. "What time is it, Hyung?"

"It's nearing midnight now. Come on let's get to bed."

"Wanna sleep with Hyung tonight" Doyoung replied sleepily. "Of course, we will sleep together, baby."

Taeyong carried his baby to the bathroom where he forced Doyoung to do his night routine while he cleaned up the food in the living room. He came back to the bathroom where a sleepy Doyoung demanded to be carried to bed.

"You're such a baby" Taeyong chuckles picking his boyfriend up

They get to Taeyong's room and goes towards the bed. Taeyong wrapped his arms around Doyoung's waist as Doyoung snuggled into Taeyong's chest.

"I love you, Tae"

"I love you too, Doyoungie"


Word count: 687

I hope you guys liked it! I love Dotae dynamics <3

Stay safe <3

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