(A)(F)Norenmin: Protect

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I wrote Norenmin again and I have no regrets. Hope you enjoy <3

The title is horrible TwT if anyone has suggestions pls drop them :")

TW: Homophobia, Getting hit on (<---harassed?) Catcalling

Ge = 哥 This means older brother in Chinese


NCT was invited to go to a wedding. All 23 members were going and they had to make sure all of them were dressed well and perfect to attend. The wedding was going to be next week so the boys were going suit shopping.

It was a very surprising scene at the mall when a row of beautiful men walked in endlessly. They broke off into different groups or couples. Renjun, Jeno, and Jaemin were eyeing a shop beside the escalator that was selling suits. They soon departed after agreeing to meet at the food court when they were done.

Jeno, Jaemin, and Renjun went to a shop they were eyeing earlier. It had many types of suits all in different styles and designs. There were many made from different materials too. The three of them started picking out their suits looking for their fit and style.

As they were shopping a young man who was very handsome came to help them. He approached behind Renjun and tapped on his shoulder. Renjun turned around, startled, expecting one of his boyfriends but instead was met with a smiling face.

"Minghao!" Renjun yelled giving his pouty annoyed face, "Don't scare me like that!". Renjun gave him a hug anyway.

Minghao only laughed and returned the hug. "What are you doing here looking for a suit?"

"It's for a wedding," Renjun replied.

Minghao slapped a hand over his mouth, as he looked at Renjun in pure shock. "You are getting married and you didn't even tell me!?!" He looked slightly offended. "I don't even know who you are dating!"

"What? No! I'm going to be attending a wedding of a fan. Our entire group was invited and we are here to pick out suits." Renjun chuckled.

Minghao calmed down and laughed too.

Meanwhile, Jeno and Jaemin

"Who's that guy with Injunnie?" Jeno whispered to Jaemin. They were hiding behind two mannequins.

"I don't know but I don't like how close he is to Injunnie" Jaemin replied back in a hushed tone. They watched as Renjun and Minghao share a hug. The more Renjun and Minghao continued to talk and smile, the more Jeno and Jaemin were jealous. Their eyes didn't leave Renjun until they felt someone tapped their back.

"May I help you in choosing your outfits?" It was another employee.

"Yes, please. We would like three of your best suits, please. Two medium and one small." Jeno said.

"I will be right back with them sir," she said.

"Jeno, I don't want Injun to be talking to him anymore." and with that Jaemin left to go after Renjun.

"Jaemin! Wait!" Jeno said following his boyfriend.

Renjun POV

"It was so nice meeting you here, Ge," I said to Minghao. A sudden shadow cast over me, well two to be exact. I look behind to see Jeno and Jaemin. Boy, do they look cross.

"Junnie who is this man?" Jaemin demanded.

"Well..." I started but was rudely cut off by Jeno.

"Is he bothering you? We don't seem to know him." Jeno said pulling me closer by the arm. Minghao gave me a questioning look.

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