[Goodbye Gift](F) JohnTen: Cotton Candy Kisses

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(past author)"THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 3K READS <3333" is what I would say but now I already hit over 4k reads TwT Thank you guys for reading my work!

And as always, I hope you enjoy it!

*Some side ships included.



NCT had a picnic before going to the amusement park. Taeyong, Doyoung, and Kun planned the place and got everything ready. The DREAM members prepared the things for the picnic they were going to have before the amusement park. They decided to have it near the Han river. The rest of the members helped with management and everything else. At the amusement park, Ten and Johnny went up the Ferris wheel with cotton candy exchanging sweet kisses. And a sweeter surprise was waiting ahead.


Johnny POV

"TEN! Where are youuuu~!" Johnny called for Ten as he ran down the halls.

"I'm here Hyung!" a voice from the dance practice room came. I came into the dance practice room where I saw Ten reading off a checklist of the food, and counting countless baskets full of food. All for 23 men with big appetites to share.

I walked up to him and bear-hugged him from behind, "Whatcha doing?"

"Just making sure we aren't missing anything." Ten replied very quickly, eyes still scanning through the checklist.

"Relax babe, the point of this trip is to have fun." I gave him a supportive smile, and Ten gave his own beautiful smile, and that immediately brighten up the mood.

Third POV

Outside the members were headed into the company bus as Taeyong did headcounts. Finally, when all of them were on the bus, the bus took off. Ten laid his head on Johnny's shoulder and they exchanged sweet smiles. Johnny and Ten were in their own little world as the bus was IP in flames of chaos.

The 00 line was playing a game where the loser would have to speak informally with the "moms". YangYang lost and as soon as he spoke a sentence without honorifics the scolding was on. The 00 line almost felt bad for him, the keyword is "almost", and each of them just felt glad that they weren't getting scolded. YangYang ended up sitting between Kun and Taeyong to be supervised. It wasn't that bad for him though, Taeyong was providing a shoulder to lean on as Kun stroked his hair. The rest of the youngsters were quick to envy. The 99 line was blasting music and having fun, the rest of the car also jamming along. At this point, they need to give the bus driver a raise.

However, even with all the commotion in the ar Johnny and Ten were having a moment to themselves. Ten's head is still on Johnny's shoulder and Johnny leaning his head onto Ten's. While holding hands they fell asleep, it seems like the rest of the bus had quieted down too from exhaustion. Drowsiness quickly took over the bus and soon everyone was asleep, leaving the bus driver to finally drive in peace.

Doyoung was first to wake up and soon got everyone else to do the same. They have arrived at the beautiful Han River. The members poured out and went into their little groups setting up blankets, mats, picnic baskets, and serving drinks. Some members were now taking selfies together with the scenery or were already eating. Ten and Johnny went to a specific little spot under a tree. There they laid their own blanket and brought out a basket. Ten carefully brought out the paper plates and food they made. They brought out many snacks such as sandwiches, honey butter chips, potato chips, pepero sticks, fruits, and banana milk.


"Johnny I'm done setting things up" I called for my tall boyfriend. I stood up and scanned the area looking for where he had wandered off to. All of a sudden someone spun me around by the waist. With one hand on my hip, the other gently places a pink flower on my ear.

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