(F) DoJen: Sick or Love Sick

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Thank you to @KhrissaV for requesting this story! I hope you enjoy

Jeno gets "sick" and stays back at the dorm for that day. Doyoung comes to visit and take care of Jeno unaware of Jeno's feelings and his own.

idk what I did to the title o-o

I hope you enjoy it! <3

Italics = thoughts


"Alright, take care!" and with that manager-nim left with the rest of the members of DREAM except for Jeno. Jeno was sick, not with a fever. He didn't feel a slight bit sick, no fever, no coughs, no nothing. However, what Jeno did feel was lovesick.

Jeno's head won't stop filling up with thoughts of him. A smile adorned on his face, his eyes scrunch up into an eye smile at those thoughts. The thoughts quickly left though due to his heartache. No matter how much Jeno loved him, he was just sure that that certain someone won't feel the same.

His phone rang, Jeno looked at the screen to see who the call was from. It was his Doyoung hyung, or "Lovely" as Jeno had saved on his phone. His crush was no other than Doyoung, Doyoung was the one that made him felt all lovesick.

Jeno snapped out his trail of thoughts as the ringing of the phone brought him back to reality. He quickly picked up the call.

"Jeno-yah, are you feeling okay?" the sweet voice melted Jeno's ears. His Hyung has the most soothing soft voice.

"Y-yea, I'm doing alright." Jeno inwardly cursed at himself for stammering. His voice sounded weak just like it always does when he was talking to Doyoung.

"Hmmm, well I'm coming over. You can't lie to your hyung. I know you're sick and I'm going to come to take care of you." Doyoung said sternly and hung up the phone before Jeno could even respond.

Jeno POV

I dropped my phone and started to tidy up my room right away. How could it have gone wrong like this?!? The reason I felt sick today was coming to check up on me. I threw away the trash on my desk and tidy up the bed. I quickly put some clothes that were lying around into the closet. I also got changed into a tank top and shorts.

"Jeno, why aren't you in bed?" a familiar voice asked from behind. I turned around quickly to see Doyoung hyung. Fuck, I cursed at myself.

"Hi hyung, I was just doing some cleaning that's all." I eyed Doyoung hyung, he was wearing a big oversized gray hoodie. He looked so cute in it it was almost too much for me to handle. I was snapped out of my staring.

"Get your ass in bed, Jeno. You should be resting in bed when you're sick."

"But hyung-" I started but was immediately cut off. Doyoung hyung's face was so close to mine as he checked my temperature by placing his hand on my forehead. I started to burn up, I pray that Doyoung hyung doesn't notice the blush on my face.

"You do seem to be heating up a little. I will get you water and some medicine," he said. Doyoung hyung grabbed my hand and led me to the bed where he tucked me in. I blushed, feeling embarrassed. I swear I heard Doyoung hyung giggled.

"What would you like to eat? I will make you anything you want," he asked, giving me that bunny smile that automatically makes me weak.

"I think soup or noodles are fine, hyung"

"Okay, whatever the baby wants!" and with that, he left the room.

I buried my face into the pillow and let out a groan. "Whyy~" the little nickname affected me more than it should have.

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