(A)(F) ChenJi: Car Crash (Part 2)

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I was happy they wrote two endings lol

I'm sorry I took so long to upload ;w; but now that I'm in spring break I have more time to write! I hope you guys will enjoy <3


"NO! PLEASE! S-stay bac-ck" JIsung was crying trying to protect the plug behind him.

"I really sorry but we are going to have to plug it out." said the nurse was trying to move her way past Jisung.

"Can I just please have one more hour with him? J-j-just a little l-longer...it's all that I ask for." Jisung squeaked out.

All the medical staff exchanged glances and then looked back at Jisung. The nurse also met eyes with the rest of the dreamies and their staff. With a defeated sigh the nurse said, "You have another hour, but after that we will have to take out the life support."

"T-thank you so m-much!" Jisung's eyes were filled with hope as he look back at Chenle. He once again intertwined his hand with Chenle's. "I know you won't let me down, Chenle" Jisung whispered into Chenle's ear.

Jisung continued to hold Chenle's hand while whispering the memories they shared to him. 30mins have passed and tears were forming in his eyes. Giving Chenle occasional kisses on his face and hand. "I love you Chenle"

Renjun, Jeno, and Jaemin were there too. "Chenle, I love you" they all said.

Jisung's eyes grew wide as he thought he felt something moved his hand. He look down at his hand and then back to Chenle. I must be going crazy, he thought. He quickly dismissed the fact from his brain.

But just then a cough was heard. They all exchanged glances knowing that known of them have coughed. Chenle coughed again and slowly opened his eye lids.

"HE'S AWAKE! DOCTOR HE IS AWAKE COME QUICK!" Renjun stood up yelling. Jisung began to cry heavily and wrapped Chenle into a hug. Embracing his body which was now awake.

"Chenle Ch-Chenle you're awake!" Jisung cried into Chenle's shoulder holding him as if Chenle would disappear if he let go.

Everyone was crying tears of joy. The medical staff had helped Chenle and explained to him what had happened. Chenle looked over to his crying boyfriend standing and looking back at him with the sweetest eyes. Once the medical staff had cleared out for a moment Jisung ran to hug Chenle.

"I KNEW YOU WOULDN'T LEAVE ME!" Jisung said crying out of happiness. He pulled apart and cupped Chenle's face bring him into a kiss.

"Jisung let me breathe!" Chenle said when he finally pulled apart from the kiss. All the other members came to hug Chenle and shower him in love.

After a few more weeks in the hospital Chenle was ready to go. Jisung had been there with him everyday to practice walking. When they finally got back to Korea all the members of NCT had a celebration.

"We are here you can take your blindfold off now." Jisung said. "Now open the door!"

Chenle did as he was told.

"WELCOME HOME CHENLE!!!" all the members shouted as soon as he opened the door. The room was decorated with balloons confetti and food on the table. And there was a cake in the center of the table.

They turned on vlive and all the czennies were so excited to see Chenle. The vlive comments were flooding and the hearts were going up rapidly. Chenle smiled at the sight, that night they stayed up partying.

The next day, Chenle POV

"Jisung let me go!" I said trying to get out of bed. I failed to do so as there was my adorable faint boyfriend preventing me from getting up.

"A few more minutes please" Jisung said as he pulled me closer.

"Jisung if I weren't in such a need to use the bathroom I would cuddle with you all day." I said trying to sit up, failing yet again. Ever since the accident Jisung has been more clingy and overprotective. Which I understandable but I'm about to pee my pants if he doesn't let me get up.

"Finee~" Jisung whined lifting his hand to let me get up.

"Thank you babe" I gave him a kiss in the cheek.

After freshening up we finally walked into the kitchen for some breakfast. All seven members of NCT Dream was there, and we ate Jaemin's pancakes.

We were going to the park today for our day off. Jisung made sure I was wearing all the gear I needed for the cold weather. He doesn't let me nearing the side of the road to afraid of what will happen. He was scared I would slip in snow or fall off the swings.

"Jisung-ah I get that you are worried but I'm bored if you don't let me do anything."

"You can sit with me on the bench and we can just enjoy the view of the snow coated park" he replied.

"Okay okay." I said agreeing to his suggestion. It's been a month since the accident and I had a lot of healing time. I thought about what the nurse said to me when she was doing a one on one check up with me.

Flashback to the hospital

" You know I would always see your boyfriend here when you were in a coma." said the nurse. I raised an eyebrow and gave a questioning look. The nurse went on, "Everyday he's here talking to you holding your hand and giving you little kisses. I would come in your room to check on you and your boyfriend would always be there."

I blushed there were so many butterflies in my stomach. "During the last week of your coma before you woke up your boyfriend slept here every night. He loves you so dearly." The nurse said with such a fond smile.

I blushed so hard right then and there. I brought a hand to my cheeks and felt them heating up. The nurse chuckled and said that they were done with today's check up.

Back to the present

"I love you Jisung" I told him while giving him a peck on the cheek.

"I love you too" Jisung said with a beautiful blush in his face. It made him look so cute I thought.

SMACK! A snowball landed right on the back of Jisung's head. It was Jeno hyung who had hit him. Jisung got up and chased after him. I smiled at the fight. I got and ran finally having fun with my members.


Second Ending bonus! TW: Sad ending,

I watched from above. The park that we had always visited, I saw them running around having fun. There was a figure who sat down on the bench alone. I knew who it was straight away.

"Jisungie... I'm so sorry I didn't make it." The tears poured from my face again. "I hope you will be happy Jisung."

"I love you"

Jisung POV

I look up at the sky and the empty seat next to me. "It's been a month since the accident Chenle. I miss you so much" the tears streamed down my face. "I love you so much." I said looking towards the sky.

SMACK!!! Something hit the back of my head. It was Jeno hyung who threw a snowball at me. I wiped my tears to chase him. I knew that Chenle was watching me from above and he would want me to be happy.

I will try Chenle, I will try to be happy so you don't have to see me cry in sorrow every day. It will be hard but just wait for me, love. We will meet again one day. I love you always.


Word count: 1290 (including bonus)

I really wanted to make a happy ending so I did but I was listening to sad music and I had the inspiration to add the second ending loll. I hope you guys enjoyed it! Have a good day and thank you for reading!

Stay safe! <3

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