(F)(M) JaeYong: Let Me Help You

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hey... ik who u r markerrlee ...


Thank you to @markerrlee for requesting this story! I hope you will enjoy it <3

Taeyong has been working too hard, after countless attempts of trying to get their leader to stop and take a rest, Jaehyun finally snapped and decided to take Taeyong back home. That night Jaehyun took care of Taeyong in more than one way.

TW: Mature content, overworking, cock ring


Third Person POV, In the Studio

"Come on, Hyung! You have been here all day and all you had is a cup of coffee. Come home!" Mark said tugging Taeyong's left arm.

"Mark, I will be fine, go back to the dorms, please. It's past your bedtime." Taeyong replied.

"It's past the time I asked, Hyung. Now come back with me if you do want me to sleep." Mark said trying to tug Taeyong's hand away from his keyboard.

"Mark please stop bothering me, and go back to your room! I need to work okay?" Taeyong snapped turning around to face Mark. Mark looked shocked but quickly closed his mouth and let go of Taeyong's arm. Taeyong immediately felt bad and tried to say something, "Wait Mark, I didn't mean-"

But it was already too late, mark ran out of the door leaving Taeyong behind in his office. Taeyong sighed getting up and closing the door, but he was startled by a force pushing the door back open. It was Jaehyun.

"Babe, Come back home now." Jaehyun's voice was firm and dominant.

"But I still have-" Taeyong started.

"Nope, tonight you are getting nothing but sleep," Jaehyun replied grabbing Taeyong's arm. Taeyong quickly saved his work before following Jaehyun knowing he shouldn't even try to argue with someone as competitive as him. Jaehyun got into the driver's seat and Taeyong in the passenger seat.

They drove in peaceful silence as the star-filled sky turned a purplish and orange color. Taeyong fell asleep in the passenger seat as Jaehyun drove them to their apartment they secretly bought together. Jaehyun picked up Taeyong when they arrived, not wanting to make him get up.

Taeyong stirred from his sleep as he felt himself being lifted and brought against Jaehyun's broad chest.

"Let's get you to bed, baby"Jaehyun whispered.

In the bedroom

Taeyong sat up on the bed very much awake from the nap in the car. It was all part of his plan to make Jaehyun carry him to bed. Jaehyun knew this but he always goes along with Taeyong acting because it's so cute to see him happy. Jaehyun got in the shower as Taeyong waited for him outside.

When Jaehyun came out he only had a towel around his waist exposing, Taeyong eyed at his body. Jaehyun didn't miss his staring and smirked, coming closer to Taeyong.

"Hey baby boy, what are you looking at?" he whispered. Taeyong grew hard underneath his sweatpants. "Strip, if you want it."

Taeyong hurriedly took off his clothes while Jaehyun went to get a few "toys". He brought back two things only.

"Jaehyun, not those, I hate those two," Taeyong whined and pouted. He looked up at the cock ring in one hand and the butt plug in the other.

"You been bad baby, Mark didn't come home upset for no reason" Jaehyung lowly whispered. Taeyong shivered. then their lips met, their youngest danced against one another in a heated makeout session. Jaehyun was the first to break the kiss slipping the cock ring onto Taeyong's already leaking dick. Taeyong whined at the touch reaching his hand to take it off. Jaehyun quickly smacked his hand away though.

Jaehyun lubed up two fingers and pushing both into Taeyong right away. Taeyong's back arched from the bed in pain and pleasure. He moaned as Jaehyun continued pushing and scissoring up his ass.

Tears emerged into Taeyong's eyes as Jaehyun added more fingers until four were in his little hole. "J-Jaehyun I need to cum" Taeyong whimpered and cum he did. It was his first dry organism with the cock ring blocking off any liquid from coming out.

Jaehyun absolutely loved to see Taeyong blissed and whiny just from his touches. He removed his fingers which cause a cry from Taeyong whose butthole was now clenching against nothing.

"Jaehyun f-fuck me please.." Taeyong whined from the bed. Jaehyun just smirked. He usually would have teased Taeyong more but he was just as impatient as Taeyong was.

Jaehyun quickly poured more lube and slowly push into Taeyong. "Jaehyunn~~ Ah!" Taeyong moaned when Jaehyun's full length was in him. Jaehyun wasted no time and started to pound into Taeyong. Taeyong was shocked by the quick pace.

"Jaehyun! Ahh AH!" There were tears welling up in Taeyong's eyes. Jaehyun made him feel so full. Jaehyun was also enjoying Taeyong's tight hole even after all the stretching he did before. Jaehyun's pace was starting to slow down and he knew that he was about to release. He pulled off the cock ring sending a wave of relief to Taeyong.

"Cum with me Taeyong." Jaehyun groaned and shot his release into Taeyong. Taeyong came with cum spurting onto his stomach and thighs.

Jaehyun pulled out slowly and quickly plugged the buttplug into Taeyong's hole. There was a grunt of discomfort from Taeyong when he did that. "Let's get cleaned up," he said chuckling. Only to find Taeyong was already fast asleep. Jaehyun smiled warmly and got them wet towels. He carefully wiped down Taeyong and himself, throwing the dirty towels into the laundry bin. He placed a kiss on Taeyong's forehead and got under the sheets with him.

"I love you Taeyong"

"mmm...love..you...too" Taeyong sleepily replied.


Word count: 875

IM AM SO SORRY FOR MY READERS AND @markerrlee for taking SO LONG to get this fic out. I will explain in an author note.

Stay safe <3

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