X-mas Break

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AN: I cried while writing this chapter so... You have been warned.

Narrator's POV:
The next few months of school, Regulus would follow Sirius and the other marauders around all the time.
James found it so cute how Reggie admired his older brother.

Soon though, Christmas break rolled around, and everything fell apart.

It started off normal. The normal arguments of Sirius and Walburga. The way Regulus would here one of those arguments every-so-often, and he would listen to music to drown out the screams. The way that the house ran might have been toxic, but it was what the two brothers were used to.

On Christmas Eve, Regulus was asleep in his room when Sirius woke him up. Sirius was wearing a black hoodie and ripped black jeans.

Regulus' POV:
"What're you doing in my room?" I asked when I opened my eyes.
"I'm running away," Sirius told me, but I didn't believe him at first. "I'm leaving right now, and I was wondering if you want to come to?"
"Where would we go?" I started believing him a little bit more, but I wasn't fully convinced.
"We'll go to James' house," he pulled out his phone and showed me a text message on it. "I texted him about it, and his parents also know,"

"I'm not going," I told him.
He looked at me confused. "Why not?"
"I-I can't," I felt tears start to form. "I-I- I'm scared. What if they find us? They're going to kill us if they can!"
"Regulus, look at me," I looked up to see him also starting to cry. "She won't find us. If she does, I will protect you. If we leave now, she can never hurt us again. I promise,"
"I just can't leave," I whispered. "You don't understand. I just can't,"
"Well, I'm going, but I'll miss you," he turned to leave.

I grabbed his arm before he got to the door. "Please stay. I need you here with me. I won't be able to survive here on my own. Please, Sirius," I begged.
"Hey man, I love you, but no fucking way," he pulled his arm out of my reach, flipped his hood up, and walked out...

I just sat down on my bed, shocked. He couldn't really've left, could he? No, impossible. It was probably just another one of his stupid pranks. I couldn't sleep that night. I knew it wasn't a joke; deep down I knew it. I just couldn't accept it though. I couldn't believe it. My big brother, leaving me here, alone. I thought he would never leave me. He told me when we were younger that we would stick together no matter what. He promised!

Sirius not being at the house was really... weird. Mum had me blast him off the family tapestry, which makes him officially disowned.

Sirius' POV:
I felt bad for leaving Regulus there alone, but I loved being away from that house. Besides, James' parents were awesome.

They let James be himself, maybe too much, and they were just generally good parents.

One day, I had broken a plate, and they didn't get mad at me! I didn't even have to pick up the broken glass, and when I tried to, James basically had to force me away from it. When they learned that I was trans, they didn't deadname or misgender me.

It was the first time in my life that I felt like I had a family, but something still wasn't right... I didn't have my brother there with me. He was still with our abusive parents. He was still there... He was still stuck... He probably hates me now. No. Not probably. Definitely. He definitely hates me now.

It's honestly fine though...

Regulus' POV:
The rest of break, I started building my walls higher. No one was getting in, and my feelings weren't getting out. I was never going to cry again. I was never going to tell anyone anything. I'm sorry world, but I just don't care!

On the last day of Christmas break, James had texted me.
Hey Regulus, how are you now that Sirius isn't there?
I'm fine, honestly
Sirius thinks you hate him now. Do you?
I don't hate him

Then I stopped responding, and I stopped looking at the text. My phone buzzed every few seconds, but I still just laid staring at the ceiling.
"Regulus!" Mum screamed. "Get down here now!"
When I got downstairs, mother was standing in the kitchen, holding a letter in her hands. I had no idea where that letter was from. "Yes mother?"

"Do you want to explain why you have a letter from 'James Potter'?"
"I didn't even know the letter existed mother. I promise," I looked at her directly in the eye. "If I had known it was there, I would've ignored it, or thrown it away,"

At that exact moment, my phone buzzed again. Really James? Did you have to text me right now?
Walburga found where my phone was, and took it away from me. "Who is this 'Lover Boy' I see you have listed in your phone?" She wasn't asking, she was judging.
"I-it's James Potter, mother," I replied. I really tried not to stutter, but I couldn't help it.
"So you lied to me, and now you stutter? Pathetic!" She pulled out her wand and pointed it at me. "Now choose. Broken phone and no way of contacting your precious boyfriend, or the cruciatus curse?"

I knew she would do the opposite of whatever I said, so I told her, "broken phone,"
She obviously instead casted crucio. She also took away my phone for a few hours to 'inspect it', and when I got it back, James and Sirius' numbers were deleted from it. Well I thought I guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow to talk to them.

Word count: 998

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