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Regulus' POV:
I still had some of the walls intact, but most of my walls were broken. I built them as high as I could, and I made sure there were a least two layers of bricks. They couldn't break now. I made sure there wasn't a door or any windows. No way in, no way out. I kept my fear, and hurt, and every other emotion I had inside the walls.

James still tried a way to find the emotions I was hiding. I decided I could add a door, but it would be locked. James was the only one who had the key. I didn't have to hide when I was around him.

Speaking of James, he would always bring me my favorite sweets if he saw that I was sad. Like I was today.

"Hey, Reggie, how are you doing?" He asked, sitting next to me. "I noticed that you seemed upset earlier,"
"You noticed?" I asked, mortified. "Did anybody else notice?"
"Nobody else knows, I promise," he smiled and handed me the sweet that he had in his hand.
I set the sweet down on the bed and leaned into James. I was tired. Tired of the way people were treating me. Tired of thinking about how I felt alone. Tired of life...

"Hey, look! It's Regulus! The fag who got kicked off the Quidditch team!" Someone yelled at me from across the hall.

It was true though, I had gotten kicked off the team. The captain had said, "The guys are uncomfortable with having you on the team,"
And that was that.

"Hey, Regulus! Why'd you get kicked off the Quidditch team? Oh, right! It's because you're a pathetic little fag!"

~End Of Flashback~

"I heard you can't play Quidditch anymore. Is that true?" James asked.
I nodded. "They kicked me off because I'm gay,"
"Oh, Reggie," he hugged me, and I leaned into the touch. "You don't deserve any of that,"
"The thing is, they've known I'm gay for a while, and it's only now that they choose to kick me of the team," I observed. "Why would they do that?"
"I don't know..." James sighed. "Are you alright though?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," that was a lie.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
I just nodded, and he didn't push for the truth.

James' POV:
After about half an hour, I heard soft snores coming from my now sleeping boyfriend in my arms. Over the past 3-4 weeks, he had not been getting much sleep at night. I was glad that he could finally have some rest.

That didn't last very long.

Ten minutes later, he was awake again, and he seemed scared of something. "James?"
"What's wrong?" I asked as tears streamed down his face.
He didn't answer, but he wrapped his arms around me and seemed to sigh in relief.

"I am so sorry James," he said after a couple of seconds.
"Sorry? Why?"
"I'm sorry for hurting you..." He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world, but his voice was quiet, almost like he was scared of what my reaction would be.
"Hurting me?" I was confused. "When did you ever hurt me?"
"I've hurt you so many times, and I'm sorry. I've yelled at you, and I've lied to you, and I'm so so so so so sorry James," he held onto me like he was afraid that if he let go, I would leave him. "Please don't be mad at me. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to harm you ever,"

"Regulus, it's ok," I kissed his head gently. "Yes, we've gotten into many arguments, but we've always been able to resolve these issues,"
He continued to sob into my shoulder, and he refused to believe me. "I hurt you, and you can't tell me that I didn't. You can't just lie to me, James!"
My own tears started to fall. I didn't want to talk to him anymore, but I kept my arms around him.

He noticed this and lifted his face up, so that our eyes met. "I am so sorry James. Even if you don't think of it as a big deal, it's a big deal to me. I am sorry, and I don't need you to forgive me," he smiled weakly. "Just- don't forget that I love you..."

I'm back guys! Sorry if this part is bad, the others will be much better than whatever this is. Also, after this update, the update schedule will hopefully be normal again. The next few posts might be random, but I will eventually get back the normal schedule.


Word count: 783

Regulus Black's Love |Year 4 FOURTH BOOK| (Jegulus)Where stories live. Discover now