Chapter 50 - The Phantom Apprentice

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"He mentioned a name," Ahsoka says the next day, as they, Bo, and Rex stand in front of a hologram of Obi-Wan, giving up the update. "Darth Sidious."

"Who is this Sidious?" Bo inquires.

"I do not know much," Obi-Wan answers after a moment of hesitation, "But I will share with you what the Council suspects. Darth Sidious is the Sith Lord who orchestrated the Clone Wars and played both sides of it from the beginning. I first learned the name from Count Dooku though any chance of learning more about Sidious from Dooku has been lost."

"Why?" Theseus asks.

"Because Count Dooku is dead. Anakin killed him while rescuing the Chancellor."

Theseus blinks. Dooku's dead? And Anakin killed him? He's not sure which part is more shocking. With Dooku gone, it means they really are close to ending the war. He never would have expected Anakin to be able to defeat him.

He's relieved, though. Dooku is dead, and that means the war is one step – one very large step – closer to coming to an end. Plus, it's one less worry for Anakin. Theseus thinks of the times Anakin encountered the Sith, and he's grateful. He's been electrocuted himself once – Sith lightning is different from others – and it was bad. And to think Anakin has experienced that many times... yes. Theseus is glad, very glad, Dooku is gone.

"With Dooku gone," Obi-Wan continues, "We've lost a vital link to understanding the mystery of Dark Sidious."

"I doubt Dooku would have been forthcoming with any information," Theseus points out. "He wouldn't have left the Jedi and became a Sith if he was still capable of reason."

"Perhaps," Obi-Wan concedes, "But it matters little now. If you can capture Maul, he may be able to provide the missing pieces to this puzzle."

"I can't imagine he'd tell us anything that would help us, either, but we'll do the best we can," Theseus concedes.

"Then send us more men," Ahsoka requests.

"Unfortunately, I cannot. I'm being sent to hunt down General Grievous on Utapau." Seriously? Grievous is hanging out there again?

"Think you'll find him?" Theseus asks dryly, remembering the last time they encountered the cyborg. Fun times, though he wishes Ahsoka was there. They've been chasing after Grievous and Dooku for a long time to no avail.

"We can hope, though I have my doubts."

"What about Anakin?" Ahsoka inquires. "Maybe he can reinforce us?"

"May I speak to Ahsoka and Theseus alone for a moment?" Obi-Wan requests. This is a strange request, he thinks, as the others head off. Suddenly, he doesn't have a good feeling. "Anakin is on a special assignment by order of the Jedi Council."

No, he already does not like the sound of this.

"What kind of assignment?" Ahsoka asks, raising an eye marking. It's clear she's as wary as Theseus is.

"He has been instructed to observe the Chancellor and report his findings."

"Observe?!" Ahsoka exclaims.

"You mean spy," Theseus realizes. "That's treason!" A surge of icy horror rushes through him. "Why would they ever do something like that?!"

"They told him to spy on the Supreme Chancellor? Why?" Ahsoka feels as upset as he does, though she's far more capable of reigning in her temper.

His mind is whirling, unable to catch up with all the implications. Why would the Jedi Council ever, ever ask Anakin to commit treason?! Maul was right. Athea was right. Barriss was right. The Jedi are – they are losing their way. Treason is treason, no matter what the cause of it is. Even if they have a good reason, which Theseus would much like to know.

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