𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗙𝗶𝘃𝗲

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Third Pov

"I'm going to order a pot of tea

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"I'm going to order a pot of tea. Anyone care to join me?" Cloe asked in a British accent.

The other girls were exchanging looks.

Sasha looks at Cloe from the floor in the hotel room. "Cloe, you hate tea. And what's with your voice?"

Cloe holds her phone in her hand. "Actually, I've grown quite fond of-"

A man on the phone, talking indistinct.

Cloe holds up her phone to her. "One pot of tea, please." And lower it.

"As I was saying, croquet requires intense concentration. Isn't that right, Pretty Princess?" Nigel asked as he smiles at Cloe.

Yasmin holds Ozzy as she looks at Nigel annoyed. "I don't know. I've never played."

Nigel looks at Yasmin confused. "Huh?"

"Nigel, Yasmin's nickname is also Pretty Princess," Cloe told Nigel.

Ozzy licks Yasmin's face which made Yasmin laugh softly.

"Really? I'd say you're more of, uh, Peaches," Nigel said smiling.

Jasmin and Yasmin looks at him annoyed. "Peaches?"

Nigel stands up and starts to leave. "I'll see you tomorrow, Pretty Princess. Cheerio, Peaches."

Yasmin roll her eyes annoyed. "Cheerio."

Jasmin place a comfort hand on Yasmin's shoulder.

"See you tomorrow, Nigel!" Cloe called out happily.

Nigel left the room.

Cloe smiles. "Guys, isn't he awesome?"

"Totally awesome," Yasmin said annoyed.

Jade stands up from the couch and starts to leave.

Sasha was typing.

"Later," Jade said as she picks up the camera from Sasha's side.

Sasha looks at Jade. "Yo, Cool Cat, if you've got something to say to me, say it."

"Fine. You are the biggest, bossiest control freak I've ever met. You're even worse than Burdine who apologized," Jade said.

"Come on, guys, chill," Cloe said.

Sasha looks at Cloe. "Puh-lease. Like you know what's going on? You haven't even been around." She stands up from the floor.

"No kidding. Yasmin had to cover every hot spot by herself," Jade said.

"Yasmin doesn't mind," Cloe said softly.

Yasmin stands up from the couch and looks at Cloe angrily as she walks over to Jade and Sasha. "Yes, I do. I mean, next thing you know...you'll be telling us you can't make the opening of Pinz."

Cloe gasped. "Oh, I totally spaced. Nigel's brother  giving a dinner party tomorrow, and I promise I'd go."

Jasmin gets up from the couch with Royale in her arms and starts to mock Nigel. "My name is Nigel  Forrester, the ninth duke of Lessex and I'm rich and I have a castle."

Yasmin, Sasha and Jade laugh as Jasmin smirk.

Cloe frown angrily at Jasmin. "Why are you being so mean, Jasmin?"

Jasmin looks at Cloe. "Don't you see, Cloe! Nigel is using you!"

"No, he's not. Your just jealous," Cloe said as she cross her arms.

Jasmin scoffed. "Jealous? About what?"

Cloe smirks amusing. "Because a boy likes me. And maybe Dylan doesn't like you."

Yasmin, Sasha and Jade glare angrily at Cloe. "Cloe!"

Cloe eyes widen at what she said as she notice the three angrily girls and Jasmin in tears. "Jas, I—"

Jasmin walks away to her and Yasmin's share room and walks in and closed the door and locked it and goes on her bed with Royale.

Jasmin Pov

I was laying down on my bed crying.

Royale whimpers and nudge his nose on my cheek.

I smile softly with tears and pet him.

There was a knock.

I clear my throat. "Who is it?"

"It's Dylan," Dylan's voice said softly.

"Hold on," I said softly as I get up from my bed and walk over to the door and unlocked it and open it.

Dylan smiles softly. "Hey, Jass."

I smile softly back. "Hey, Dyl."

"Can I come in?" Dylan asked softly.

"Of course," I said softly as I let Dylan in and close the door after Dylan walk in.

Me and Dylan walk to my bed and sat down on it.

"Yasmin, Sasha and Jade told me and Cameron what happened," Dylan said softly.

I look at him.

"You have feelings for me, Jazz?" Dylan asked softly.

I nodded softly but nervously. "Yeah."

"That's good because I have the same feeling towards you, Jazz," Dylan said smiling softly.

I smile. "Really?"

Dylan smile back. "Really.

I smile.

We both just realized that we were close so we both close the gaped and kiss for the first time.

We didn't notice that the others open the door and saw us kissing which made them smile.

words: 744

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