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It was silent at first, nothing but a void. 6 bright lights emerged from nothing. Creating the 6 siblings, death, destiny, dream, destruction, desire and lastly despair, some took longer than others to form to as they are today. With desire and despair forming at the same time, twins if you'd like.

It was chaos for the first millennium with the creating of realms of nothing, waiting for their brothers and sisters to form, wondering why they had been born with nothing but names.

A 7th light formed shortly after the siblings had gained their peak potential for the time being. However this light was brighter than theirs and they knew this was not another sibling, this was something bigger and more powerful.

They gathered to the light watching and waiting, the realm formed first barren and dry, as smooth as it could be just like the siblings realms. Their curiosity grew as the light began to take shape, taking the shape of a man, he walked along his world and flowers, mountains, trees and rivers began to form from nothing, each step he took getting closer and closer to the 6. He finally stopped infront of death the oldest, his form finally finished materialising.

'I am creation' he whispered shocking the 6, they thought with his power he would be more intimidating, 'as I grow so will you, however I will not tell you how to do your jobs, now be gone from my realm and create your own, you have seen mine and I will continue to create things for you to use.' And with that they left. And they got to work.

Earth was created and the endless did their duties and creation kept to himself choosing to call himself 'Isaac'.


I couldn't find Any dream fan fics I liked so decided to make my own... 'creature' by half-alive is creations theme if you like that sorta thing.

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