call me Isaac

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Over the years Isaac and a few of the endless grew close, mainly death and dream. He visited them from time to time just to catch up, death was all for it but dream was more of a stuck up.

Isaac's pov:

I stood in the dreaming, castles and fantasy creatures only so little humans could dream of roamed and soared through the land, heading to the castle where the lord morpheus, dream of the endless hid away I marvelled at his creation, it was the best of the realms, teaming with life both real and sand. Opening the doors I looked up still oogling this part of dream when I saw him stood straight talking to lucienne one of his creations.

'Dream! How long has it been?? You dont normally accept my requests to see you.'

'Yes well lucienne has convinced me this time to see you, creation' he said rolling his eyes, I couldn't believe his audacity and chuckled, he gave a side glance at lucienne and they nodded, leaving to go back to their library.

'How many times have I told you to call me Isaac? Just because my purpose is creation, doesn't mean that is who I have chosen to become.' I say sighing.

'You call me dream and most call me lord morpheus.' He pointed out. 'The Dreaming is my purpose'

'Yes but hell will have to freeze over permanently for me to call you LORD, and morpheus is just a mouthful.' I moaned causing him to roll his eyes yet again.

'I'm sure that day will come' he gave me a glance and sat down on a step motioning me to sit with him.

'It bloody wont, I should know, I'd be the one to cause it.' I laughed out sitting on the step below him. 'But if you start calling me Isaac I may consider the mouthful of morpheus.' I say earning a twitch of a smile, it was barely noticable but I enjoyed being the only one to get that out of him.

'Very well... Isaac' he stood up abruptly as his raven, jessamy I believe shes called, flew onto his shoulder. 'You best be going as I have business to attend to' morpheus looked at the bird and continued up the stairs to his throne.

'Very well' I started to leave 'goodbye morpheus'



'Call me dream, morpheus it too weird after all this time' I smiled and exited his realm for the last time for 100 years, little to my knowledge.

Sorry the chapters are small, I'm not a good writer

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