he had had enough

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Trigger warning: Roderick tries making dream talk a different way using leverage. (Assaulting (beating) isaac when dream refused to talk)

10 years had passed and Roderick was getting desperate, so he tried a different method, 'morpheus this is your last chance before your lack of action has a consequence' he weezed out twirling the keys to the dome in one hand whilst his guards drew a larger circle away from the glass mimicking the one keeping us locked away. Dream tilted his head in confusion and glanced at me, I looked at him and shrugged, maybe he was separating us. But if that was the case wouldn't i be moved to a different room. Dream yet again didnt respond and Roderick opened the glass getting a guard to drag me out, for a split second as I crossed the line of the circle my powers came flooding back shocking me, before i could do anything about it i was thrown back into a replica of the spell circle, cut of once more, i stood up stretching my legs, confused, Roderick stepped forward. 'Blame your friend for this'

I woke up with dreams worried face over me, I sat up and we where in a field, had I fallen asleep? 'How come your here? You never visit my dreams'

'Do you not remember?' He questioned still looking at me like hed seen a ghost

Suddenly it all came flooding back, the sound as the cane hit my body and as the guards joined in kicking and dragging me, 'oh.. I passed out, that's never happened before.'

'We've never been without out powers before.' He whispered, searching my eyes for any sign of hatred towards him.

'No matter, you managed to get inside my head, attest that's something, better than looking at the same 4 walls, I can barely create a blade of grass in that place.' I said giving him a little shove with my shoulder. ' we could stay here you know.. till we get freed?'

'This is my fault.' He looked down at his feet, 'if I just did as the man asked.'

'You know that's not possible, if it was, there would be no death, and where would you be without your sister??' I nudged him

'Attending to my realm, ignoring your constant messages to be let in.' He mumbled, 'this is because he thinks death can bring his son back' he said with malice.

'Come on dont be like that, I was the one beaten not you, i should be the one holding a grudge.' I smiled showing him I was alright.

'You wont be saying that when you wake up..' he smiled sadley 'you look bad. When they threw you in I couldn't even look at you, I was scared to come in here..'

'I'll be alright' and with that I laid down and looked to the sky, it had turned to 'night' and the sky looked amazing, 'you think you could make it be the northern lights? I've always thought they where one of the more beautiful creations.'

'Sure' we sat in silence for a while watching the sky. 'When we get out of here, I wont ignore your messages anymore, you can come visit anytime you like.' Dream wasnt looking at me when he said it but I knew he meant every last word.

'Thatd be nice morpheus' I smiled at using his name, it still felt weird.

' I thought I told you you can call me dream' he chuckled looking at me.

'Thought I'd give it a whirl anyway' I laughed, 'time to wake up I guess..'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2022 ⏰

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