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Laying under the grandest tree of my realm, playing with a feather, a winged creature was coming towards me fast and I sat up abruptly. The raven landed with a crash and tumbled to my feet, 'lord creation sir, it is me jessamy. Lord morpheus has been imprisoned by humans, your my last hope, none of the endless will help, please help him, please' jessamy was out of breath, it must have took a lot to enter my realm with out permition but this bird was determined to help her master.

'I'm sorry..' I looked down ashamed, i swore that i would never place myself in the affairs of the endless, no matter how much dream meant to me. ' I cant help him little raven, however you may be able to, the most I can do is sit here and hope that you can do something, it may take time but be patient and please keep me updated, I...' however i never finished that sentence, I was being pulled by such emence force i couldn't stop where i was going. Black was all I could see for a while, then i woke up surrounded by a glass dome. I felt someone touch my arm and I jumped.

'Shhh, it's me' I turn to find a extremely naked dream and I turn back around, summoning a pair of joggers with extreme difficulty, throwing them at him.

'Wtf, and please put them on, if not for your sake for mine. What is happening?' I ask looking down at my hands panicking a bit. Dream put the joggers on and tapped my shoulder to signal he was decent.

' I dont know why that bothers you, we are entities not common humans. And it's the Corinthian it seems, determined to keep me locked in this place.' he turns to look at some people now entering the room, guards it seems, and one old man. Quickly he explains, 'he disappeared from my realm and I was trapped here whilst trying to stop him, seems hes trapped you here too.'

The man introduced himself as Roderick, he demanded that one of us return his dead son for our freedom, dream death glared him and well I just look dumbfounded, neither of us possessed that power and dream refused to tell him that, so I also kept my mouth shut.

We waited and waited each day. Roderick attempting to make us do his bidding, failing each time. dream had no use for sleeping, however I enjoyed it but with me locked in with dream it was no use manipulating my dreams. After a while of uncomfy sleeping with my neck curled, dream silently offered me his lap leaning back and crossing his legs, risking Roderick being told of his movement. Him and I grew closer, not so much by words but movements, I could now call us friends.

dream a dream and Dream of me Where stories live. Discover now