Chapter One

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Hey, some disclaimers before we start: The most important thing about this au is that winter Never loved moon. Qibli still did, but winter has had a crush on qibli for a while instead. Also, winter has a soft side, and only qibli has ever seen it before. Winter wrote a letter to qibli to ask him to come visit him, and that is what brings us to the start of the story. This is set a year after arc 3, phyrria is mostly at peace, and Moon recently broke up with Qibli. Now get ready for an awesome story!!!

(Winter pov)

Winter was outside, studying the grass intently. Qibli was supposed to come. Today. Aaaaaany minute now. He was so engrossed in staring at the ground, that he didn't even notice when Qibli finally showed up!

"Whatcha staring at?" Qibli said, somewhere behind Winter, which made him jump.

"Qibli! You're here!" Winter says, somewhat joyfully compared to his usual scowl.

"The one and only!" Qibli responds, playfully nudging his wing into Winter's. "Why did you invite me again? Couldn't bear to be without me for too long?" He laughs as Winter rolls his eyes. 

"I just.... needed someone to talk to, you know, other than scavengers. A friend that I can trust. And, I haven't seen you in a while." Winter explains, changing the mood. "I hate to admit it, but i actually found myself missing you occasionally." He says, giving qibli a quick hug. 

"Ah, you finally admit how much you adore me!" Qibli chuckles. "I'm glad to see you, too. It's getting lonely, now that moon broke up with me a couple weeks ago..." Qibli says remorsefully.

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you break up? You two really seemed to love each other so much." Winter responds. 

"Well, we did- but Moon felt that I seemed off, and that I didn't seem satisfied with our relationship, so she dumped me, right then and there! But the thing is, I found myself thinking about someone else..." Qibli looks away. 

"Are you doing okay?" Winter asks. "Do you need a place to stay? Because I have extra space in my house, If you would like to." 

"Well, i'm going to head to Thorn's stronghold eventually, but I would be happy to stay for a while!" Qibli responds, with a small smile.

"I.....could give you a tour?" Winter suggests, opening his wing indicating his house.

"Sure, seeing as i'm going to be staying here for a while, I should probably know where everything is" Qibli laughs. 

Winter smiles slightly and shows qibli around the house.

"You are worthy to me" A Qinter short storyWhere stories live. Discover now