Chapter 3

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A/n-  Sorry this is so short but i want to feel like i did something for this story, so... enjoy!

(Qibli pov)

Qibli felt bad for winter.

Like really bad.

After all, he had felt most of those things before. But he was glad he was there because he had to deal with it alone and he didn't want winter to have to do that.

Qiblis mind was pacing back and forth. 

What should he do? Comfort winter? Keep hugging him? ...Tell him about his feelings towards him? 

He didn't know anymore. Why does everything have to be so complicated! 

He just stayed in the hug. 

Romance sucks. You never know if someone will like you back, plus someone can be completely different once you're in a relationship with them! 

He internally sighed. His brain was going in spirals. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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