Chapter two

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Finally finished! Sorry for the delay! 

(Winter pov)

Winter shows Qibli around, finally stopping at the guest room across from his. 

"And here's your room!" Winter says, flicking his tail towards the door. 

"Thanks for letting me stay." Qibli says, smiling. "You said you wanted to talk to me?" He asks.

"Oh, why don't we go out to the cliff? I go there to think sometimes, and it has a great view." Winter suggests.

They walk out there, Winter leading the way. Once they get there, Winter sits down, Qible following suit next to him. 

"So...What were you wanting to talk about?" Qibli asks, yet again.

"Is it okay if i" Winter asks, looking away unsurely. 

"Of course, I would be happy to listen to you talk for once, I'm usually the one who talks." Qibli laughs.

"Heh, yeah..." Winter chuckles slightly. 

"I just feel worthless. My parents are getting in my mind- They hated me. Thought I was a disgrace. They never cared about me and now they're in my head qibli- Telling me how horrible I am because i don't live up to their standards-" Tears start streaming down Winter's face as he is saying this. 

"A-And I feel like everybody hates me... Even the dragons I trust the most- Even you Qibli-" He Says, sobbing.

Qibli looks at Winter, wrapping one wing around him. "I Don't hate you. Why would I? You're my best friend Winter, Why would I have any reason to hate you?" Qibli asks, concerned.

"Why wouldn't you hate me? I was horrible to Moon, rude to you and the others, Thought I was better than everyone else even though I was the worst of all- I Deserve it Anyway-" He quietly sobs into Qibli's wings. he finally felt somewhat safe, for once in his life.

"You are worthy to me" A Qinter short storyWhere stories live. Discover now