942 25 5

""= Talking
''= Thinking
**= Action
()= Sound Effect
I probably should've done this from the start sorry😅

Adam Strange: "Here we are bud! The big blue beauty.

You and Adam have arrived at the location of Kal-El. You both stay afloat upon earth just looking at its round form. Adam seems to admire it since he has some history with encountering this planet but you? You seem to be disturbed and questioning why would Jor-El choose such a world. I've heard that this planet is home to intelligent life but were known to start wars amongst themselves. Their risking their people's live just so they can show who is the more powerful ruler. This isn't fit for a baby but it's safe since said baby is a kryptonian. They would be weak little beings among that child. Speaking of, its time.

Y/N: "So this is Earth you say?"

Adam Strange: "Yes, I am quite connected to this place whenever im out on my missions. So, this is where the key to your race is stranded?"

Y/N: "Offirmative, it was shown when we got the alert of a launch back at my planet. Only thing is, Im not sure where to start."

Adam Strange: "I don't know what to say but one thing im sure of, America is where it's at. A lot of things from outer space or all kinds of supernatural happen there."

Y/N: "Am..ur..ica? Hmmm... and where is that?"

Adam points to our nation, the land of the free, the united states.

Adam Strange: "There."

Y/N: "Very well, this is my chance. I thank you friend, You do not wish to come with me?"

Adam Strange: "Sadly no partner, I need to finish up my business but hey-"

Adam pats your back shoulder before turning around and firing up his pack.

Adam Strange: "Goodluck and stay safe."

He two finger salutes and blasts off to infinity. You watch from afar and smile while waving goodbye. It was a pleasure meeting that man, he was what you were looking for in a race, Kind, helping and caring. You wish you can see him again, but first... Kal-El.


'Alright you infant, time to take back what your father made you steal!'


You used all your boost and flew into the atmosphere of this new world. As you near the dome of the rock, you start to heat up and burn, but you don't care since it surprisingly harmless to you. A second sound boom ignites as you come closer and closer to the plain. You start to see green which is new to you, you've seen green plant life from your world but this one is just covered in it. After mesmerizing it you focused and start to adjust your body to land on your feet. You come closer and closer then-




??? POV:


???: "Jerry! You saw that?!"

"Oh no I wasn't looking cause im distracted by fish- Of course I saw it! That was insane!"

I stay standing shocked and terrified of what was that huge dirt explosion. I looked at my three other friends Kirk, Amanda and Esmal. They too looked scared and shocked, I don't know what was that but I know one damn thing.

 I Promise | Faora x Male Kryptonian ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now