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Y/N-Ul: "So? What do you think?"

Y/N has brought his wife to a household, a household in which he bought to begin their journey as husband and wife, maybe in the future as parents hopefully. It was 2 years before Krypton's destruction and Y/N's arrival to Earth, they were unaware of the unfortunate cut of their future. Faora-Ul slowly walks in to get a glimpse of every piece and spot of the house, she is amazed. Never in her life would she think love could bring her here, not even thinking love was possible. She assumed since she was created for the Military that love was never going to be an option for her.

Faora-Ul: *scoffs* "This.. I.. heh I'm speechless."

Y/n: "You like?"

Faora-Ul: "No dear this place is revolting." *giggles*

Y/N: *laughs* "Oh don't you dare say that, you know how hard it was to get this?" *Hugs*

Faora-Ul: *chuckle* "It's wonderful love, It's wonderful." *sigh*


Y/N-Ul: "You okay Ora?"

Faora-Ul: "I'm fine love, don't worry. I'm.. just reminiscing about how we got here."

Y/N-Ul: "I see, it was truly a journey huh?"

Faora-Ul: "Oh it was *chuckle* I still remember how I absolutely hated you when we met."

Y/N-Ul: "Ah yes, the very thing you hated about me came to be the thing you loved the most about me, my child like charm~"

Faora-Ul: "Trust me dear I still hate it, you can be a little too reckless."

Y/N-Ul: "But you still love me at the end of the day."

Both of them have a laugh and enjoy each other's time after reliving various moments of their lives together. They can't help but to be inside each other's bubble for who knows how long. After the reminiscing, they end up sitting at a pane of a window viewing their planet's beauty, and their future. Y/N enclosing his arms around Faora, who is just basking in his presence. Even then, Y/N realizes her still bothered aura, not at all being hidden behind her smiling face.

Y/N-Ul: "You seemed bothered by something again my love, mind letting me in on what your thinking?"

Faora-Ul: "... It's nothing dear, just the.. usual fears of being in love. The fear of being not enough, the future arguments.. losing that love.. and the worse of it all.. *shudders* the possibility of me hurting you."

You never expected such things to be said from her, especially involving fear. You knew her as the strongest woman you have ever encountered yet you could see a tear trying to break free from her eyes. You never been scared of any of what she said, this though, her being scared and hurt, that is what you will fight an entire planet to avoid. She needs to be in her spirits every day, if that can be achieved then you truly fulfilled yourself as a husband, and in life.

Y/N-Ul: "Those thoughts shouldn't exist in your head. Like it would happen, especially you hurting me? You couldn't even pin me down in a sparring match."

Faora-Ul: "Oh please I never pinned you down because it will hurt your feelings."

Y/N-Ul: "Uh huh sure, I let you win because it will hurt YOURS."

Both laugh at their little banter, all according to Y/N's plan. She loved this about him, his way of creating smiles and laughs in every situation. Which she unfortunately admits is a perk to his childish demeanor. His goofy and ridiculous personality is what drove her to love such a man, strong yet no at all brains, she found it adorable.

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