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I am sorry for such a long update on this than my usual, anyways Hey y'all I'm back with another chapter and before I start I just want to say thank you to those who are reading this and giving stars to this story. It looks not that much but it's more read and voted than my first story so improvement. I especially thank that one guy that comments compliments, your cool. Anyways, if this chapter seems different or sounds different than the others than that's because everytime I write I feel like I should change the way I write so yeah. But other than that enjoy this updated chapter.

""= Talking
''= Thinking
**= Action
()= Sound Effect


???: " NO WAY!"

Y/n: "Huh?"

I turn around to see a small boy in dirty clothes who's rather... darker than the humans I seen from around here. Not only does his clothes look ragged but he seems to have dirt and scratches on his body. Im guessing this boy doesn't have the best living conditions than others.

???: "You.. You were floating! A-and and when I saw you with that that girl and when I blinked you just had guns out of nowhere!.. Do you have super speed?! Are you a superhero?! What else can you do?! Are you like that guy from the news who can run fast?! *gasp* Are you.. him?"

Y/n: "Kid your asking too many questions. Slow down and give me a chance to understand what you just said."

???: "Sorry it's j-just.. I never seen a superhero in action before!"

Y/n: "Super hero?"

???: "Yeah you know, *dramatic tone*the special born children or the gifted people that grow to become the most powerful heroes that save everyone from everyone and anything! Like you right?"

Special born? Gifted people? Looks like in this planet im not the only one with abilities these humans lack. I couldn't make sense what he's talking about but one word took my whole attention. 'Powerful' yeah, I guess he's right about that, I am kinda powerful against those robbers. That word, 'powerful' it sounds so empowering, I like the sound of that!

Y/n: "yeah.. Yeah kid, Guess I am what you call a superhero. Other than that though, who are you and what do you need?"

Calvin: "Oh right, Calvin Holler is the name sir, *reaches out hand* sorry if im shakey it's just.. you know."

(Yeeaaa boi, tbh best young black actor i could find; Isaiah Russell-Bailey)

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(Yeeaaa boi, tbh best young black actor i could find; Isaiah Russell-Bailey)

Y/n: "*Shakes hand* Don't worry about it son."

Calvin: "Thanks, oh man this is so cool! Wait until my friends find out I met a actual Supe!"

Y/n: "Heh you seemed to have a huge liking to superheroes."

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