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Theos pov

I'm getting worried about my health. Which I wouldn't usually be to concerned about but there's been bloating, nausea and these weird ass craving for like pickle and Nutella sandwich all these is leading to one thing..pregnancy.

I know it's not usually possible for men to get pregnant but the dread doctors wanted a way to create more chimeras so the gave all the male chimeras a uterus but they were defeated before they successfully get one of use chimeras to carry to full term but they had tried many times. I forgot about the whole thing up until now.

I didn't want to go to deaton in fear he might go to Scott so I went and got any regular pregnancy test from some crappy drug store because that was about all I could afford but I made sure to get different brands to be sure.

"Hey can I use you guys bathroom?" I asked the cashier at the counter while looking at the bag in my hand. "Theo?" A familiar voice rung from behind the counter. "Corey?" "Yeah..I work here now." "Oh, cool." I said awkwardly just wanting to take these and get out. "What's in the bag?" Corey asked. "How's that any of your business." I spat. "It's a new security thing people sneak drugs in them do them in the bathroom which we don't like so now if someone is taking a random bag in the bathroom they need to show us what's in it." "That's a trash rule." "This is a trash store." He replied. "Fair." "So are you going to tell me?" "Come on Corey it's me I don't do drugs..they don't even work on me." "Sorry it's protocol plus our management rewatched the camera's every night to make sure everyone followed rules and didn't steal." Corey pointed to the security camera in the corner.

"Fine..you can't tell anyone about this, not even mason!" I growled. "Fine."

I pulled one box of pregnancy test out of the paper bag. "There happy now?" "Theo your pregnant?" He asked carefully. "That's none of your business now is it?" "Right sorry, I just- your not here with anyone I was just going to offer my support because I know how hard this can be..I've been through it." "You had a baby?" "No, well yes but I miscarried before I got a chance to even tell mason." He told me getting quiet towards the end. "I'm sorry I didn't know. Thank you but no i can do this by myself." "Okay theo, goodluck." "Thanks."

I went into the bathroom and pulled one test out of three different boxes.

I did as the instructions said and was now waiting for the two minutes to be up but it felt like two hours.

The timer on my phone went off and I shot up from where I was sitting. I looked at the first one on the counter and there was only one line meaning I wasn't pregnant but I then checked the other two I took and both turned out to say I was pregnant. "Oh god." I whispered and grabbed up all the test threw them and the bag and swung the bathroom door open. I rushed to the front door of the store but Corey beat me to it. "Listen I know it's none of my business what those test said, can you just tell me if your ok or not?" He insisted. "It's positive." I responded then started to cry which was really unusual for me but hormones are a bitch.

Corey knowing I probably didn't want it but needed it pulled me into a hug. "Theo it's ok." "No it's not! Im broke! The baby's dad probably won't want me! Im homeless! And im not ready to be a dad!" I sobbed. "Theo no one is ready to be a parent but they do their best and that's all you can do. Talk to the dad and see if he will help out financially and if you really need somewhere to stay I can see if my parents would allow you to live there until you got on your feet." "Yeah your right I need to talk to Lia-ahh." I tried stopping myself from reveling the father but it was to late because Corey's face turned in shock.

"Liam's the father?" He asked softly. "No." I denied quickly. "If that is the case..you should tell him, I know Liam he wouldn't just abandon you and his kids." "Maybe." "No theo not maybe, Liam's not a deadbeat." "Ok I hear you..I just need some time to come to terms with this before I tell anyone else." "Okay theo but I'm here for you if you need anything." "Thanks corey." We both pulled back from the hug "I needed that." I said.

I wouldn't usually admit that to just anyone but corey and me still had a bond from when we were stuck with the dread doctors. "Of course theo." He gave me a soft smile before I walked out of the store and back to my truck so I could find where to park while I slept tonight.

I found an empty parking lot to a building that looked abandoned so I figured this would be an ok spot for the night.

I got my pillow and blanket set up and laid straight on my back and thought about how far along I exactly was. I put together I was about thirteen weeks.

I tried but couldn't fall asleep due to discomfort. I was twisting and turning all night when I realized it had turned to three am when I heard a knock on the truck window. I looked up and saw a bright light shining in as a deputy told me I needed to move before I was arrested.

Great another night of no sleep.

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