Nico and Elizabeth

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Liam's pov

We left the baby shower three hours ago and went home to get the hospital bag before going to the hospital where we met Melissa and deaton who we had called in case something supernatural that Melissa couldn't handle came up.

"Can you go get me some ice chips?" Theo asked me. "Sure I'll be right back." I smiled and left the room.

I felt like I couldn't breath I was so scared I mean it's becoming even more real. like I'm having two babies that's..that's crazy. I don't know how to be a good dad I barely had a dad growing up. And it was so scary seeing Theo hooked up to all those machines.

I brought back the ice chips to him and he was having a contraction. "Oh god!" He cried. I rushed over to him and placed the ice chips on the table next to his bed and helped his hand. "It's ok." I moved my hand through his hair in a soothing motion. "I'm not ready for this liam..they say it'll be soon and I'm not ready! I can't be a dad you know how I grew up!" He cried. "Theo..I'm scared too but we can do this, together." I assured him. He gave me a sympathetic look and smiled. "Yeah."

The contractions stopped then we heard a knock on the door to the room. "Can we come in?" My mom peeked her head in. I looked to Theo to make sure it was ok. "Yeah come on in." He said.

"How are you feeling Theo?" My mom asked. "Terrible." He sighed. "Yeah I remember when I was in labor with Liam, he made it rough on me, let's just hope the babies aren't to much like him." She joked and he laughed. "It's all worth it though, once you hold those babies in your arms the pain won't even matter you'll just be so focused on them." Mom smiled. "I'm scared for them to not be in me anymore..I won't be able to protect them." He admitted to her. "I know it's scary but you'll still be able to protect them and plus you'll be able to hold them." "Yeah your right."


His contractions were getting worse and Melissa thought it would be a good time to check him.

Melissa told us it was time to push so my mom and step dad left the room now it was only me, him, Melissa, and deaton. Well plus a few nurses but we didn't need many people.

Theo pains got worse and he squeezed my hand so hard I felt it was breaking. I winced in pain but i knew he was in more pain then I was so I didn't say anything.

The labor went on for what felt like forever but finally Melissa said. "Just one more push for your baby girl." Theo screamed in pain then there was crying. Melissa handed the baby right over to Theo so he would get a chance to hold her before pushing out nico. "She's beautiful Liam." He cried. "I know..she looked just like your sister did." I told him.

As the pains came back theo handed Elizabeth over to one of the nurses so she could clean her up. "Ok you ready?" Melissa asked him. "Not really."


Theo was now holding both cleaned up swaddled babies in his arms with a huge smile on his face just admiring them. "Do you want to hold one?" He asked me. "Yeah I'll take Nico I haven't held him yet." I smiled and I took him carefully.

"Damn he does look like me." I chuckled. "I can't wait to go home this bed is hella uncomfortable." He squirmed. "Melissa said you should be healed up enough to go home in two days but she warned that you'll still be a little sore."

"It's worth it..for them if do anything."

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