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Theos pov

"Hi ms dunbar." I said. "Hi Theo, your getting big." She smiled. "Uhm thanks?" "No no don't take that as a bad thing that means your babies are healthy, it's a good thing." She assured me. I gave her a smile and Liam passed us with a few of my things which was pretty much all I had. "Let's go in and get some supper." She said. ''ok.'' I smiled and she led me inside where liam was waiting for us. ''liam set the table would you?'' she asked him.

we all sat down when liam was done and ate some burgers liams stepdad made before we got here. ''so linda said your five months along?'' liams stepfather asked. ''yeah. and im assuming you guys know about the whole werewolf thing since your not questioning how im pregnant.'' ''yeah liam told us last month.'' linda replied.

we kept eating until we all had empty plates and liam got up to do the dishes while I went upstairs and liams parents sat on the couch to watch tv.

I laid down on liams bed not feeling well again and I didn't want to risk being stuck throwing up for the next hour. ''hey are you ok? you rushed upstairs right after dinner before I got to talk to you.'' liam asked closing his door quietly. ''i feel sick so im trying to sleep.'' ''oh sorry.'' ''your fine I cant fall asleep anyways this kid wont stop kicking me and it hurts like hell.'' I groaned. ''anything I can do to help?'' ''i dont know.'' ''well when I was on my way to the loft I was listening to an audiobook about how to help your partner through pregnancy, I have some tips and tricks I learned.'' ''honestly try whatever you want I dont think anything will work.''

liam climbed onto the bed and placed his hand on my stomach pushing down lightly making sure not to hurt me as he did so then started rubbing back in forth which I wish for the sake of being right didn't work but I was enjoying how it felt more. "Is it helping?" "Yeah." "Good." He smiled proudly. "Can we go to sleep now?" I asked. "Yeah I just wanted to tell you the pack is getting together for a dinner at some restaurant tomorrow..I was wondering if you'd be my plus one?" "Liam I'm visibly pregnant, if I come as your plus one someone will put two and two together." "So? Maybe we tell them then." "Can we talk about this tomorrow I'm to tired to argue." I told him. "Okay." He gave in and we got ready for bed.

I heard shuffling around the room which woke me up. "Theo unless you want mason and Corey knowing your pregnant you might wanna get up." He whispered trying to keep quite so the boys downstairs didn't hear. "They are coming up to my room in a minute."

I groaned and scooped myself up so I was sitting up against the headboard. "I don't care, corey already knows anyway." "He does?" "He was there when I took the test." "Oh?"

"Liam can we come in? Why do you have the door locked?" Mason asked from behind the door. "You can let them in." I told him. They walked in and mason looked over at me. "Theo?" "Mhm?" "Are you..pregnant." He whispered. "God Liam explain to your friend what's going on." I said before turning over to my side and trying to fall back asleep.

"Come on let's go downstairs and let Theo sleep, I'll explain everything." "Okay." Mason sighed and walked out if the room.

I got up after not being able to fall back asleep and went into the bathroom to take a shower. I took all my clothes off and made sure the water was warm before stepping in.

Having such a big belly will be something I'll never get used to and I'm not even at the full size yet I still have four months to go, just imagine how big I'll be especially since it's twins.

I felt around my stomach as water fell down it. I can't believe I'm really growing two humans in my body, it feels weird when they kick and when they push on my belly so hard it pushed up a little making their presence very known.

I lost track of time in the shower and Liam came knocked on the bathroom door. "Hey are you ok in there?" He checked. "I'm fine I lost track of time." "Oh ok, I'll be downstairs I'm making grilled cheese and turkey." "Okay thank you." I heard walking a few seconds later which I assumed was Liam walking downstairs. I got out and dried off and put a fresh set of clothes.

I went downstairs where the smell of the food liam was making hit me. "Hey Lia-" I got cut off halfway down the steps by a sharp pain on the side of my stomach. Liam heard me stop talking and came to check on me. My hand was pushed up against where the pain was. "Hey are you ok?!" "I'm fiiii-" I took a breath "I'm fine." I gave him a fake smile. "No, no your not Theo what wrong." He said in a demanding tone. "It hurts." I hissed. "What does?" He rushed up to me and helped me the rest of the way down making sure I didn't fall as I was distracted by the pain.

"We should go to deaton." He insisted. "No! No I'm fine! Please I don't want to go." "I really don't care theo, I know you don't wanna go but something could be wrong." "I hate doctors ok? Only reason I went the first time is because I wanted to make sure they were healthy before I told you." I whined in pain. "Theo your in pain these babies might not be ok." "You can't drive! And I certainly can't drive." "I have my permit and your 18 that counts right?" "I don't know! Let's just go and hope we don't get pulled over." I said. "Ok let's go."

We made our way to the truck carefully and Liam got in the drivers seat while I got in the passenger seat.

"Just don't crash."

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