Pack dinner

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Theo is now six months bc a month has gone by meaning he in now this big^^^

Theos pov

The pack had pushed back the dinner to now so Liam invited me as his plus one without any of them other then Scott knowing, but since he was organizing it he's the only who needed to know.

The people who will be there are Lydia, mason, Scott, stiles, Derek, corey, hayden, kira, Isaac, malia and obviously me and Liam.

Am I scared about them finding out about me and Liam, yes. Am I more scared of them finding out about the pregnancy, 100%.

"Theo! We have to leave soon are you ready!" He yelled from downstairs. "Almost!" "We're going to be late!" "Jesus sorry!" I shouted back.

I finished buttoning the maternity button up we got the other day since this time we are going to a fancy restaurant so we have to wear suits.

I went downstairs and met Liam at the truck. "Hey, are you sure you wanna go? I mean we don't have to." "Your scared aren't you?" "Maybe a little." He confirmed "everything will be ok." I assured. I put my hand on his as I drove. "Oh! Also I'm supposed to be going to my drivers test tomorrow, I forgot to tell you." "Finally Jesus I hate driving." "I thought you loved it." "I used to."

We pulled into the parking lot where we saw Lydia parked next to us. "You ready?" I asked. "No." He took a deep breath. "Come on we will be fine." I let go of his hand and got out of the truck. "Theo wait up!" He said catching up to me as I entered the restaurant.

We had someone lead us to the table where the rest of the pack was. Or Lydia and Scott were, we were a bit early. Lydia gave Me a confused look as Me and Liam sat down. "So uhm what's going on here?" She asked. "Me and Theo are uhm dating." "And he's.." "pregnant." I finished for her. "Oh." She said suprised "that's..congrats." She smiled. "Thanks." Liam smiled back at her.

The rest of the pack slowly got here and questioned why I was here and Liam and I explained exactly what was going on with them and the pregnancy.

"Can we plan a baby shower?" Lydia asked. Me and Liam looked at each other. "Sure." Liam answered.

Telling them about everything went pretty smoothly although malia and stiles didn't take it well.

"Liam how the fuck are you dating the guy who tried to kill your alpha?!" Stiles shouted. "Stiles, be quiet we are at a nice place." Scott told him.

"I'm just saying this guys evil now he's been impregnated by your beta?" "Stiles is right this is probably just some evil scheme of theos." Malia agreed. "Don't talk about him like that. I love him and loves me, we are both really excited about these babies so we don't need you guys coming in and ruining it! If you can't respect that then I guess you guys aren't really my friends." Liam told the table.

I put his hand on my leg for comfort and smiled at him.

"Liam come on your not really falling for this are you?" Stiles asked. Liam looked pissed I didn't want him to get everybody kicked out so I decided to make up a lie.

"I don't feel great liam maybe we should leave." I put a hand on my stomach so hopefully he would think I had morning sickness. "Ok let's go." He got up quickly and I followed behind him as he walked out of the restaurant without saying goodbye to any of the pack.

He rushed to to car and I tried to keep up which was getting harder the more he sped up. We were almost to the truck when I slipped on a piece of trash making me almost fall to the ground but with Liam's reflexes he turned around and caught me before I could reach the pavement. He looked scared "I'm sorry I shouldn't have been going fast I shouldn't have gotten so mad." He apologized. "It's ok." I replied. "Let's go home."

Liam drove us home and we took a shower together before going to bed.

"Liam do you think I'm still evil?" I asked. "No. Do you?" "I don't know."

(End chapter sorry abt it being short but next chapter is baby shower! And another time skip will come since it took some time for lyds to plan and get it all together)

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