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Theo is now 8 months and 2 weeks along and this is his size ^^^

Theos pov

"So Lydia said she finally got the baby shower ready and now we need to make up a list of things we need for the baby." Liam told me. "Ok we need a changing seat..we need more baby clothes and diapers that's all I got, anything else you think we need just write it down." I told him and sat down on the couch.

"How are you feeling?" "I want them out." I said. "I know." He chuckled. "No more kids ok?" I asked. "I've only ever wanted two." He confirmed. "Good cause that's all you're getting." I told him.

"When is the baby shower again?" "In two days." "Damn I don't want people to see me like this, I look like a whale." "You look fine Theo." "You have to say that these are your kids im carrying." "True." Liam laughed. "But I'm not lying you look great."

(2 days later)

Everyone was arriving at the place Lydia had set the baby shower up at while me and Liam sat at a table since I was having bad pains but it was nothing to worry about I just needed to take it easy.

"God I'm so tired I can't wait for this whole thing to be over." I sighed. "It's barely started." Liam laughed. "Maybe we can sneak out early." I suggested. "Maybe." He humored me.

"Alright now that everyone's here I think we should eat, play some games and then open the baby gifts!" Lydia announced. "Oh god what the fuck kind of games did she plan." I dreaded and Liam laughed at me. "It's not funny." I shoved him. "Just remember we will be getting all kinds of baby supplies today which means less to pay for."


We finished eating and now the part I dreaded "Ok Liam I need you for this." Lydia told him forcing him to go stand in the middle of the room with her. "So I'm sure if you guys have been to a baby shower before I'm sure you know these first few games." Lydia handed Liam a bag of baby food and whispered something to him.

Liam went around the room handing out different baby foods with the flavor covered while also handing out blindfolds and spoons.

Liam finished handing them all out and went back to Lydia. "So Liam handed out baby food to one part of all of you couples, one of you will put a blindfold on and your partner will feed you this baby food and if you guess it correctly first you win!" She told everyone.

She sent him back to me and he handed me a blindfold. "Yeah fuck you I'm not eating that, you can do it." I laughed. "Fine." Liam complained.


The game was over and malia won with Scott now lydia had more games.

"stiles came up with this one so I'll let him explain." She led stiles up next to her. "Alright so most of you have played beer pong right? Well this is just like that but it's diaper pong!" He revealed. "Oh my god." I whispered and Liam laughed at me. "Now that along with 'don't say baby' are just games you guys can play while we eat or just whenever." Lydia told us then her and stiles sat down while everyone else either started talking or got up to play diaper pong.

"God I hate this." I sighed. "We get free stuff for the babies though." "I know but like, I just- ughh." I groaned and held my stomach feelings sharp pain in my stomach. "Hey are you ok?" He said worriedly. "Ah god no! I think it's contractions?" "Ok? Uhm should we leave." "No they aren't that close together..I had some earlier too." "Why didn't you tell me?" "Because it's no big deal." "Theo this is a huge deal." "It's fine I'm fine they can go on for like days cant they?" I asked. "I guess?" "Wow great response!" I said sarcastically with the pain finally going away.

"Let's just get through this then we will go to the hospital ok?" "Ok." He agreed.

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