Part 6

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Dear (Y/N),
It is so good to be able to hear from you and to know how you are doing. Although it hurts me not to be able to see my only daughter in person, I will accept this as a sufficeable form of communication until we can see each other again.
You seem to have settled in nicely where you are living now. Upon your request, I have not shared your location with your brothers or father, although I think it may be beneficial if you allow me to. It felt rather secretive trying to hide the return address from them as I was gathering the mail. Until you tell me otherwise, I will continue to honor your request.
Matthew seems like a lovely man. You said you met him through work...what is it that you do? I find it incredible that you are able to put yourself out into the world like this, especially after the life your father made sure we had while you were growing up. I always knew you were destined for great things, (Y/N).
I also must ask...have you heard anything about the two of our men that came into Small Heath a few weeks back? Their names are Bradley and Steven. Maybe you've seen them around where you're staying. I ask this because they haven't come back to report to your brothers. I've heard some terrible things about Small Heath and Birmingham, and now I'm believing them to be true. Oh, (Y/N), please tell me you are safe.
With Love,

(Y/N) wasn't sure what she was feeling after she finished reading the letter she'd received from her mother. She was honestly surprised that she'd taken the time to write back, given that the letter she sent was rather vague. She figured she'd have to make it so that if her brothers intercepted it, not much would be given away about her new life...although them seeing the return address would give away the biggest secret; they wouldn't even have to read the letter.

It also worried her that her mother was bringing up questions about the two members of the Weller Boys who had arrived, and ultimately met their fate, in Birmingham about a month ago. She couldn't tell her what really happened to them. What mother would like to see 'oh yeah, those men?...I killed them' in a letter from her daughter?

She moved about her apartment, gathering the stationary that she used to write her letters on. Once her makeshift writing station at the dining table was set up, she uncapped the pen and started her letter:

I am delighted that you are choosing to communicate with me in this form. I know it is not your first choice, but it is making me a great deal more comfortable in continuing with talking to you.

She paused, tapping the pen against her chin as she tried to decide what she'd address next. Go for the important things, she thought to herself.

I have not heard anything of those two men, nor have I seen their faces around...

A knocking on the door stopped her before she was able to finish her thought. "Coming!" she called, capping the pen before she quickly stood up and walked to the door. Upon opening it, she was greeted by Matthew's smiling face. "Hi," she greeted him with a smile.

"Hi," he repeated her greeting before he leaned in and kissed her lips quickly. "Are you ready to go?" he asked after pulling away.

"Is it that time already?" she asked with shock laced into her voice, her eyes widening slightly.

"It is," he grinned at her surprise, finding her response to his statement rather adorable.

"I'm sorry, I didn't notice. I was in the middle of writing something," she stated, jerking her thumb backwards into her apartment.

"That's alright, love," Matthew brushed her apology off, "we've still got time."

"I'll be quick," she told him, inviting him into the apartment then so that she could clean up her table and get the things she needed for work.

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