Part 18

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(Y/N)'s confusion caused by someone knocking on the door quickly turned into excitement when she saw who was standing on the other side of the partition.

"Ada!" she shrieked, happy to see a familiar face after being home alone for at least a week. Tommy had allowed (practically asked) her to take some time off from the Garrison when they returned from Sheffield. She accepted his request and decided to stay at her apartment for the week. "It's so good to see you!" she said with a wide smile as she stepped aside, "come in, please," she then allowed the other woman to walk through the door.

"I was starting to worry about you," Ada started as she sat down on the couch in the living room, making sure that Karl was resting comfortably in her arms before she allowed herself to relax, "I hadn't seen nor heard from you since you all came back."

"Tommy told me to take some time off," (Y/N) explained the reason behind her absence.

"You could have come over to visit," Ada pointed out, no explicit emotion present in her words. She was simply stating a fact.

"I know. And I'm sorry," (Y/N) answered, a frown present on her face. Even though she knew that Ada hadn't meant her statement in a malicious way, she still felt terrible for neglecting her friend. "I just needed a few days to work through what happened; wrap my head around how things have changed and make sense of..."

"You don't need to explain yourself to me, (Y/N)...I understand," Ada cut her rambling reply off with a knowing glance, "no harm was done," she assured her.

"I know, but still..." (Y/N) trailed off, exhaling a sigh when Ada gave her the look that said 'drop it'. She nodded, giving a silent response to the silent statement as she looked down at her lap. "How is Karl doing?" she asked as she looked up again, her eyes falling on the bundled up baby that was sleeping in Ada's arms.

"He's fine," Ada answered while also looking down at the baby, "he's not as fussy as he was at the beginning, although it's still hard to try and get him down for a nap sometimes. He enjoys eating though...and I swear that he gets that from Freddie," she explained, letting out a short laugh at the mention of her husband, one that (Y/N) sent a sympathetic glance in response to.

"How are you holding up?" (Y/N) asked. Her question was vague, but Ada knew what she was getting at.

"As best as I could. It''s hard not having him around. Sometimes I wish..." she trailed off, letting out a sigh as she tipped her head back slightly, "sometimes I wish he wasn't involved in the party so much...maybe this wouldn't have happened if he hadn't stuck his neck out there."

"Men are stubborn like that sometimes," (Y/N) pointed out, her statement making Ada snort, "especially when they've got their mind set on something."

"You're certainly right there," Ada agreed, nodding her head for extra effect. Silence fell between them for a few moments before the Shelby woman spoke again, "how have you been?" she asked (Y/N), turning the question she was previously asked back onto her friend.

(Y/N) didn't answer right away as memories of her trip to Sheffield flooded back into mind. She took a few moments to try to decide what she would share and what she would leave out. "I'm alright," she decided to go with a vague answer first.

"Yeah?" Ada asked, tilting her head to the side slightly to emphasize her question.

"Yeah," (Y/N) answered with a sigh, looking down at her lap to collect her thoughts, "we went through with the plan that we kill Garrett," she began, wringing her hands together as she recounted the events, "it didn't quite go exactly as I hoped it would. Tommy fired the shot because I couldn't get myself to...I couldn't do it," she shook her head slightly at the remembrance of the event, "it had to be done though. My mum and I were in danger," she ended with the justification she'd been telling herself since she returned home.

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